我正在尝试在 Python 中编写一个函数,该函数在排序列表中找到大于我作为参数传入的特定值的第一个数字。我在网上找到了使用简单列表推导来实现此目的的示例,但出于我的目的,我需要经常在大型列表上执行此操作,因此在线性时间内运行的搜索成本太高。


def findFirstLarger(num, sortedList):
    low = 0; 
    high = len(sortedList) - 1

    mid = -1
    while True:
        print("low: " + str(low) + "\t high: " + str(high))
        if (low > high):
            print("Ah geez, low is " + str(low) + " and high is " + str(high))
            return # debugging, don't want this to happen
        if low == high:
            return sortedList[low]
            mid = (low + high) / 2;
            if num == sortedList[mid]:
                return sortedList[mid]
            elif num > sortedList[mid]:
                low = mid + 1
                high = mid - 1


>>> somenumbers=[n*2 for n in range(131072)]
>>> somenumbers[-5:]
[262134, 262136, 262138, 262140, 262142]

>>> binsearch.findFirstLarger(262139,somenumbers)
low: 0   high: 131071
low: 65536   high: 131071
low: 98304   high: 131071
low: 114688  high: 131071
low: 122880  high: 131071
low: 126976  high: 131071
low: 129024  high: 131071
low: 130048  high: 131071
low: 130560  high: 131071
low: 130816  high: 131071
low: 130944  high: 131071
low: 131008  high: 131071
low: 131040  high: 131071
low: 131056  high: 131071
low: 131064  high: 131071
low: 131068  high: 131071
low: 131070  high: 131071
low: 131070  high: 131069
Ah geez, low is 131070 and high is 131069

这里正确的结果是262140,因为这是列表中大于 的第一个数字262139



2 回答 2



def find_ge(a, key):
    '''Find smallest item greater-than or equal to key.
    Raise ValueError if no such item exists.
    If multiple keys are equal, return the leftmost.

    i = bisect_left(a, key)
    if i == len(a):
        raise ValueError('No item found with key at or above: %r' % (key,))
    return a[i]

find_ge(somenumbers, 262139)

您的代码错误,即 (1)low > high是有效的终止案例。(2) 你不应该停在low == high,例如当num == 3你的somenumbers.

于 2010-08-24T12:46:11.240 回答

如果您需要没有 bisect 功能的实现,您可以尝试以下代码:

def findFirstLargerOrEqual(num, sortedList):
    '''Finds the smallest index in the sortedList
    of the element which is greater-than or equal to num'''

    slen = len(sortedList)
    start = 0

    while slen > 0:
        m = start + slen//2

        if sortedList[m] < num:
            slen = slen - (m+1 - start)
            start = m+1

        if start < m and sortedList[m-1] >= num:
            slen = m - start

        return somenumbers[m]

    raise ValueError('Not found')

somenumbers=[n*2 for n in range(131072)]
print(findFirstLargerOrEqual(262139, somenumbers)) #output: 262140
于 2014-12-12T23:32:50.193 回答