Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null

when running the next html/javascript code on my client machine, but it works on playground, but i dont know what the error is.

PLAYGROUND: http://pdfmake.org/playground.html

<html> <head>
<title>Ingreso Simple</title>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdfmake/0.1.20/pdfmake.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdfmake/0.1.20/vfs_fonts.js"></script>
</head> <body> <script>
var usuario = 'user';
var left = 25;
var right = 25;
var top = 290;
var bottom = 50;

var dd = {
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    pageSize: 'LETTER',

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    footer: function (currentPage, pageCount) {
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    fontSize: 9,
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                margin: [25, 15, 0, 0],
                columns: ['IMERC RECIB', {text: 'SIMPLE', alignment: 'right'}]
                margin: [25,0,0,0],
                    {text:[{text:'Descargado por: ',bold:true}, 'Cliente']},
                    {text:[{text:'Mercaderia Paletizada? ',bold:true}, 'Granel']},
                    {text:[{text:'Utiliza DAN? ',bold:true}, 'SI']}
                margin: [25,0,0,0],
                    {text:[{text:'Bulks Armados: ',bold:true}, '7.0'], width:95},
                    {text:[{text:'Bulks Flejados: ',bold:true}, '7.0'], width:95},
                    {text:[{text:'Area ocupada: ',bold:true}, '19.0 m²']},
                    {text:[{text:'Volumen ocupado: ',bold:true}, '37.0 m³']},
                    {text:[{text:'Peso kilogramos: ',bold:true}, '3200.0']}
    content: [
            fontSize: 9,
                widths: [ 60, 60, 145, 135, 55, 55 ],
                        'Codigo 1',
                        'Codigo 2',
                        'Descripcion Mercaderia',
                        {stack:['$$%%%', {columns:['Dec', 'Rec', 'Dif']}],alignment: 'center'},
                        '10094461 2',
                        ' ',
                        'Exhividres de mesa',
                        '10094461 2',
                        ' ',
                        'Exhividres de mesa',
                    [' ',' ', ' ', {stack:[{columns:['2222','3232','2']}]}, ' ',' ']]
        {margin:[0,10,0,0], text:[{text:'Observaciones: ', bold:true}, 'ASDASDASDAS']},
        {margin:[0,20,0,0], stack:[
            {columns:['CLIENTE', {text:' ',width:50}, 'Recibe Mercaderia']},
            {columns:['Entrega de Mercaderia', {text:' ',width:50}, 'Jefe de Bodega']},
            {columns:['M1212121 _____________________', {text:' ',width:50}, 'Milton Marroquin _____________________']},
            {columns:[' ', {text:'SELLO',width:50}, ' ']},
            {columns:['Visto Bueno', {text:' ',width:50}, 'Fecha: _____________________']},
            {columns:['Jefe de Produccion', {text:' ',width:50}, 'Hora: _____________________']},
            {columns:['Ing. Roberto Estrada_____________________', {text:' ',width:50}, 'Funcionario de Aduana _____________________']}
var asdf = pdfMake.createPdf(dd);
asdf.open(); </script> </body> </html>

1 回答 1


问题是代码会自动尝试在弹出窗口中生成 PDF。如果弹出窗口被阻止,则会导致 pdfmake 脚本中发生错误(这对他们来说似乎是一个大问题,应该比这更优雅地处理该错误)


pdfmake.js 中的问题代码在这里:

Document.prototype.open = function(message) {
    // we have to open the window immediately and store the reference
    // otherwise popup blockers will stop us
    var win = window.open('', '_blank');

    try {
        this.getDataUrl(function(result) {
            win.location.href = result;
    } catch(e) {
        throw e;


Document.prototype.open = function(message) {
    // we have to open the window immediately and store the reference
    // otherwise popup blockers will stop us
    //var win = window.open('', '_blank');

    try {
        this.getDataUrl(function(result) {
          document.querySelector('iframe').src = result;
    } catch(e) {
        throw e;

然后,您只需要页面上某处的 iframe,您就可以document.querySelector('iframe')使用对该特定框架的特定引用进行交换。找到一种方法让它工作而不像那样编辑包含仍然可能更好,但它至少证明弹出窗口确实是源问题。

于 2016-02-22T21:50:02.573 回答