
import set
import copy
Importing set.py should provide the following functions:

set.Initialize(Values)       -- return a new set system with one element
                                per set.

                                Values is a list of values for the

set.Find(set, value)         -- Return the name of the set in which value lives.
                                Do path compression.

                                Exactly what you return isn't
                                important, as long as Find(set,
                                val1) and Find(set, val2) are
                                equal if and only if val1 and val2
                                are in the same set.

set.Merge(set, value1, value2)  -- Merge operation.  Make sure you parent
                                   the smaller set to the larger.


import random
import time

A = []                                  
# First make a list of stuff for the set system
for i in range(1000):
    val = random.randrange(-1000,1000)
    if(val not in A):
MyA = copy.deepcopy(A)

my_set = set.Initialize(A)

# Now randomly do finds and unions until everything is in the same set.
print "Doing lots of finds and unions..."
while(MyA.count(MyA[0]) != len(A)):
    # raw_input("Press any key...")
    length = len(A)
    index_1 = random.randrange(0, length)
    val_1 = A[index_1]
    index_2 = random.randrange(0, length)
    val_2 = A[index_2]
    if(random.randrange(1,6) < 3):

    # With probability 2/5, do a find
    set_says = (set.Find(my_set, val_1) == set.Find(my_set, val_2))
    A_says = (MyA[index_1] == MyA[index_2])
    # print "Find ",val_1,"=",set.Find(my_set, val_1)
    # print "Find ",val_2,"=",set.Find(my_set, val_2)
    if(set_says != A_says):
        print "Oops: I said Find(", val_1, ") == Find(", val_2, ") and got ", set_says
        # Otherwise (with probability 3/5), do a union
        for i in range(len(MyA)):
            if(MyA[i] == set1):
                MyA[i] = set2
        set.Merge(my_set, val_1, val_2)
        # print "Merging ",val_1, "and", val_2
# print A
# print MyA
# Now verify that everything is in the same set.  Start with set.py.
print "Checking that everything is in one set now..."
val = set.Find(my_set, A[0])
for i in range(len(A)):
val2 = set.Find(my_set, A[i])
if(val != val2):
  print "Oops, ", val, " and ", val2, " should be in the same set, but aren't."

print "Verifying the test harness..."
val = MyA[0]
for i in range(len(MyA)):
    if(MyA[i] != val):
        print "Uh, oh, it looks like the test harness itself has a bug."
if passed:
    print "All tests passed!"



def Find(set,x):
    if set[x] == set[x].parent:
        return set[x]
    set[x].parent = Find(set,set[x].parent)
    return set[x].parent

def Merge(set, labelA, labelB):
    pa = Find(set, labelA)
    pb = Find(set, labelB)
    if pa == pb: 
        return #They are already joined
    parent = pa
    child = pb
    if pa.rank < pb.rank:
        parent = pb
        child = pa
    child.parent = parent
    parent.rank = max(parent.rank, child.rank+1)

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