在使用 Meteor 和用户帐户包创建文档时,如何通过验证在服务器端发出请求的用户来防止用户 ID 的欺骗?

在这里,我将 userID 添加到我的锻炼实体的 createdBy 字段中,但是恶意行为者不能选择他或她想要的任何 userID 吗?


Workouts = new Mongo.Collection('workouts');

// Workouts Schema
Workouts.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
  name: {
    type: String,
    label: 'Name',
    max: 100,
    optional: true
  date: {
    type: new Date(),
    label: 'Date'
  feeling: {
    type: Number,
    label: 'Feeling',
    min: 0,
    max: 5,
    decimal: false
  notes: {
    type: String,
    label: 'Notes',
    optional: true
  // Arrays of IDs should be prefixed with a '_'
  _sets: {
    type: [String],
    label: 'Sets',
    optional: true

// Helpers
  sets: function() {
    return Sets.find({ _id: { $in: this._sets } });

// Hooks
Workouts.before.insert(function(userId, doc) {
  doc.createdBy = userId;

// Allow server-side publishing
if (Meteor.isServer) {
    insert: function (userId, doc) {
      return true;

    update: function (userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) {
      return true;

    remove: function (userId, doc) {
      return true;


  <h1>Create Workout</h1>
    {{# autoForm collection="Workouts" doc=this id="editWorkoutForm" type="insert"}}
      {{> afQuickField name="name"}}
      {{> afQuickField name="date"}}
      {{> afQuickField name="feeling"}}
      {{> afQuickField name="notes" rows=5}}
      <button type="create" class="btn btn-primary">Insert</button>


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1 回答 1


您可以使用autoValue. simple-schema您的代码片段将是这样的。

createdBy: {
    type: String,
    autoValue: function () {
        return Meteor.userId();
    denyUpdate: true,
    optional: true
于 2016-02-22T03:42:27.213 回答