I am trying to read a string of data from a csv file and parse the data into a list of custom objects. The main issue that I am having is converting the data to the correct datatype within the loop.
Here is my custom object:
type yahooInfoObj struct {
date time.Time
open float32
high float32
low float32
close float32
volume int
adjClose float32
Here is my function that gets the data and attempts to parse it:
func getSingleCompanyData(search searchObj) []yahooInfoObj {
searchQuery := buildYahooFinanceDataQueryString(search)
data := getRequest(searchQuery)
r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(data))
var stats []yahooInfoObj
// Read csv file
result, _ := r.ReadAll()
//loop through each returned stat (line)
for i := range result {
//skip the first entry due to column names being returned
if i != 0{
stat := result[i]
stats = append(stats, yahooInfoObj{stat[0],strconv.ParseFloat(stat[1],32),strconv.ParseFloat(stat[2],32),strconv.ParseFloat(stat[3],32),strconv.ParseFloat(stat[4],32),strconv.Atoi(stat[5]),strconv.ParseFloat(stat[6],32)})
return stats
Here is some sample data of which would be returned and placed in the data variable:
Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close
I am new to the go language and would really appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance!