在用户浏览页面代码之前,检查他是否编辑了一些表单字段。如果他这样做了,我会显示一个带有YesNo按钮的模式窗口。如果他单击“否”,模态应该关闭并且用户留在那个窗口上。如果是 - 保存更改并卸载。

  $(window).bind('beforeunload', function(){
        // check if any field is dirty 
        if ($('div.form').dirtyForms('isDirty')) {
            var modalParams = {
                Content: 'You have some unsaved changes, proceed?'
                OnSave: navigateAndSave,
                OnCancel: cancelNavigate

function navigateAndSave() {
    // Do stuff

function cancelNavigate() {
    // Stop page from unloading and close the modal



3 回答 3



Dirty Forms 会自动将事件附加(并删除处理程序)beforeunload,因此您尝试创建另一个事件处理程序肯定会失败。使用脏表单时,您永远不应该这样做。

你没有提到你想使用哪个模态对话框框架,所以我将只展示一个使用 jQuery UI 对话框的示例。集成其他对话框架也是类似的。为此,您可能需要查看现有预建对话框的源代码。


    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.ui/1.11.3/jquery-ui.min.css" />

    <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/g/jquery@1.11.3,jquery.ui@1.11.3,jquery.dirtyforms@2.0.0"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        // This is required by jQuery UI dialog
        $('body').append('<div id="dirty-dialog" style="display:none;" />');

        // This must be called before the first call to .dirtyForms
        $(document).bind('bind.dirtyforms', function (ev, events) {
            var originalOnRefireClick = events.onRefireClick;

            events.onRefireClick = function (ev) {
                if (saveForm) {
                    // TODO: Replace this with your AJAX function
                    // to save the form.
                    alert('saving form...');

        // Flag indicating whether or not to save the form on close.
        var saveForm = false;

            dialog: {
                // Custom properties to allow overriding later using 
                // the syntax $.DirtyForms.dialog.title = 'custom title';

                title: 'Are you sure you want to do that?',
                proceedAndSaveButtonText: 'Save Changes & Continue',
                proceedAndCancelButtonText: 'Cancel Changes & Continue',
                stayButtonText: 'Stay Here',
                preMessageText: '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style="float:left; margin:2px 7px 25px 0;"></span>',
                postMessageText: '',
                width: 650,

                // Dirty Forms Methods
                open: function (choice, message) {
                        open: function () {
                            // Set the focus on close button. This takes care of the 
                            // default action by the Enter key, ensuring a stay choice
                            // is made by default.
                                   .find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button:eq(2)')

                        // Whenever the dialog closes, we commit the choice
                        close: choice.commit,
                        title: this.title,
                        width: this.width,
                        modal: true,
                        buttons: [
                                text: this.proceedAndSaveButtonText,
                                click: function () {
                                    // Indicate the choice is the proceed action
                                    choice.proceed = true;

                                    // Pass a custom flag to indicate to save the data first
                                    // in the onRefireClick event
                                    saveForm = true;

                                text: this.proceedAndCancelButtonText,
                                click: function () {
                                    // Indicate the choice is the proceed action
                                    choice.proceed = true;
                                    // Pass a custom flag to indicate not to save the data
                                    // in the onRefireClick event
                                    saveForm = false;

                                text: this.stayButtonText,
                                click: function () {
                                    // We don't need to take any action here because
                                    // this will fire the close event handler and
                                    // commit the choice (stay) for us automatically.

                    // Inject the content of the dialog using jQuery .html() method.
                    $('#dirty-dialog').html(this.preMessageText + message + this.postMessageText);
                close: function () {
                    // This is called by Dirty Forms when the 
                    // Escape key is pressed, so we will close
                    // the dialog manually. This overrides the default
                    // Escape key behavior of jQuery UI, which would
                    // ordinarily not fire the close: event handler 
                    // declared above.

    Change one of the fields below, then click "Go to Google" to try to navigate away.

    <form class="mainForm" action="jqueryui.html">
        First name: <input type="text" name="fname"><br>
        Last name: <input type="text" name="lname"><br>
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">

    <a href="http://www.google.com/">Go to Google</a>


该示例使用自定义事件绑定附加到onRefireClick事件处理程序,该事件处理程序在 时触发choice.proceed = true,但在 时不触发false

于 2016-02-21T13:46:23.977 回答



请参阅此链接了解更多信息:https ://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowEventHandlers/onbeforeunload

window.onbeforeunload = funcRef
  • funcRef是对函数或函数表达式的引用。
  • returnValue该函数应该为对象的属性分配一个字符串值Event并返回相同的字符串。


window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
    return 'Dialog text here.';


正如其他人所说,您可以通过侦听页面上链接和表单上的单击和键事件来拦截导航,但这将不允许您在用户尝试手动输入 URL、关闭选项卡、关闭窗口,按重新加载、后退或前进按钮等。




通过附加到 2 个事件beforeunloadunload. 它适用于 Windows 的 Internet Explorer 11、Firefox 40 和 Safari 5.1(我现在可以确认):

var alreadyTriggered = false;

function onQuit() {
  if (alreadyTriggered) return true;
  alreadyTriggered = true;

  if (confirm('Sure?')) {
  } else {

window.onbeforeunload = onQuit;
window.onunload = onQuit;
You can <a href="javascript: location.reload();">reload the page</a> to test it here.

这依赖于确认对话框导致的 JS 事件循环中断,并且无法使用自定义对话框进行此操作,因为页面将在用户有机会与之交互之前更改或关闭。

仍然无法避免页面更改或关闭,也无法在 Chrome 中进行此操作。这在 Firefox 中也不起作用,因为事件不是由用户交互触发的。

于 2016-02-19T14:51:19.067 回答

我相信你只需要在事件上调用 preventDefault 。

 $(window).bind('beforeunload', function(e){
        // check if any field is dirty 
        if ($('div.form').dirtyForms('isDirty')) {
            var modalParams = {
                Content: 'You have some unsaved changes, proceed?'
                OnSave: navigateAndSave,
                OnCancel: e.preventDefault();

function navigateAndSave() {
    // Do stuff
于 2016-02-19T14:50:50.333 回答