这是有向图的教科书示例。您应该阅读NetworkX 教程以更好地了解如何使用它们;基本上,您需要添加所有节点(点),在这种情况下为文件编号,然后在它们之间添加边。
import os
import networkx as nx
g = nx.DiGraph( )
for filename in os.listdir( <dir> ):
# do something to filename to get the number
g.add_node( <number> )
for filename in os.listdir( <dir> ):
# do something to filename to get the source
with open( filename ) as theFile:
# do something to theFile to get the targets
for target in <targets>:
g.add_edge( <source>, <target> )
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nx.draw( g )