运行 MikTex 和 TexStudio 并尝试创建实体关系图。我不断收到错误 tikz-er2 not found。我在 Texworks 中运行代码时遇到同样的错误。下面是代码生成错误的示例,但无论示例如何,我都会遇到相同的错误。MikTex 包管理器也找不到它。
2409 次
1 回答
在 bitbucket 上的这个链接中,Pável Calado 展示了代码。您必须将“tikz-er2.sty”复制到与您的代码相同的文件夹中。 https://bitbucket.org/pavel_calado/tikz-er2/src/da9f9f7f1696?at=default
% The tikz-er2 package.
% Ver. 1.0
% (c) Pável Caldo
% January 2009
\ProvidesPackage{tikz-er2}[2009/01/31 Entity-relationship diagrams using the Tikz library]
\RequirePackage[normalem]{ulem} % for the dashed underline
\tikzstyle{every entity} = []
\tikzstyle{every weak entity} = []
\tikzstyle{every attribute} = []
\tikzstyle{every relationship} = []
\tikzstyle{every link} = []
\tikzstyle{every isa} = []
\tikzstyle{link} = [>=triangle 60, draw, thick, every link]
\tikzstyle{total} = [link, double, double distance=3pt]
\tikzstyle{entity} = [rectangle, draw, black, very thick,
minimum width=6em, minimum height=3em,
every entity]
\tikzstyle{weak entity} = [entity, double, double distance=2pt,
every weak entity]
\tikzstyle{attribute} = [ellipse, draw, black, very thick,
minimum width=5em, minimum height=2em,
every attribute]
%\tikzstyle{key attribute} = [attribute, font=\bfseries]
\tikzstyle{multi attribute} = [attribute, double, double distance=2pt]
\tikzstyle{derived attribute} = [attribute, dashed]
%\tikzstyle{discriminator} = [attribute, font=\itshape]
\tikzstyle{relationship} = [diamond, draw, black, very thick,
minimum width=2em, aspect=1,
every relationship]
\tikzstyle{ident relationship} = [relationship, double, double distance=2pt]
\tikzstyle{isa} = [isosceles triangle, isosceles triangle apex angle=60,
shape border rotate=-90,
draw, black, very thick, minimum size=3em,
every isa]
% for text un key attributes
% for text in discriminator attributes
\ifdim\ULdepth=\maxdimen % Set depth based on font, if not set already
\vtop{\kern\ULdepth \hrule width .3em}%
于 2016-03-26T22:47:57.233 回答