我有几个具有确切表结构的 mdb 文件。我必须将主表的主键从自动编号更改为所有编号,这意味着我必须:
- 删除主表的所有关系
- 更改主表
- 再次创建关系,...为所有表。
我确信这可以通过一些宏/vb 代码来完成。有人有我可以使用的例子吗?
我有几个具有确切表结构的 mdb 文件。我必须将主表的主键从自动编号更改为所有编号,这意味着我必须:
我确信这可以通过一些宏/vb 代码来完成。有人有我可以使用的例子吗?
以下函数将打印出所有关系的元数据。将其更改为以您喜欢的任何格式(CSV、制表符分隔、XML 等)保存到文件:
Function PrintRelationships()
For Each rel In CurrentDb.Relations
With rel
Debug.Print "Name: " & .Name
Debug.Print "Attributes: " & .Attributes
Debug.Print "Table: " & .Table
Debug.Print "ForeignTable: " & .ForeignTable
Debug.Print "Fields:"
For Each fld In .Fields
Debug.Print "Field: " & fld.Name
End With
End Function
Function DropRelationships()
With CurrentDb
For Each rel In .Relations
.Relations.Delete Name:=rel.Name
End With
End Function
Function CreateRelationships()
With CurrentDb
Set rel = .CreateRelation(Name:="[rel.Name]", Table:="[rel.Table]", ForeignTable:="[rel.FireignTable]", Attributes:=[rel.Attributes])
rel.Fields.Append rel.CreateField("[fld.Name for relation]")
rel.Fields("[fld.Name for relation]").ForeignName = "[fld.Name for relation]"
.Relations.Append rel
End With
End Function
由于时间限制,错误处理和 IO 被省略(必须让孩子上床睡觉)。
根据@Patrick Cuff 的回答,我创建了一对脚本:一个导出到 xml,另一个读取这个 xml 并将其解析到数据库中
'supply the Access Application object into this function and path to file to which the output should be written
Function ExportRelationships(oApplication, sExportpath)
Dim relDoc, myObj
Set relDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
relDoc.appendChild relDoc.createElement("Relations") 'create root xml element
'loop though all the relations
For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentDb.Relations
If Not Left(myObj.Name, 4) = "MSys" Then 'exclude system relations
Dim relName, relAttrib, relTable, relFoTable, fld
relDoc.childNodes(0).appendChild relDoc.createElement("Relation")
Set relName = relDoc.createElement("Name")
relName.Text = myObj.Name
relDoc.childNodes(0).lastChild.appendChild relName
Set relAttrib = relDoc.createElement("Attributes")
relAttrib.Text = myObj.Attributes
relDoc.childNodes(0).lastChild.appendChild relAttrib
Set relTable = relDoc.createElement("Table")
relTable.Text = myObj.Table
relDoc.childNodes(0).lastChild.appendChild relTable
Set relFoTable = relDoc.createElement("ForeignTable")
relFoTable.Text = myObj.ForeignTable
relDoc.childNodes(0).lastChild.appendChild relFoTable
'in case the relationship works with more fields
For Each fld In myObj.Fields
Dim lf, ff
relDoc.childNodes(0).lastChild.appendChild relDoc.createElement("Field")
Set lf = relDoc.createElement("Name")
lf.Text = fld.Name
relDoc.childNodes(0).lastChild.lastChild.appendChild lf
Set ff = relDoc.createElement("ForeignName")
ff.Text = fld.ForeignName
relDoc.childNodes(0).lastChild.lastChild.appendChild ff
End If
relDoc.insertBefore relDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'"), relDoc.childNodes(0)
relDoc.Save sExportpath
End Function
'supply the Access Application object into this function and path to file from which the input should be read
Function ImportRelationships(oApplication, sImportpath)
Dim relDoc, myObj
Set relDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
Dim xmlRel, xmlField, accessRel, relTable, relName, relFTable, relAttr, i
'loop through every Relation node inside .xml file
For Each xmlRel in relDoc.selectNodes("/Relations/Relation")
relName = xmlRel.selectSingleNode("Name").Text
relTable = xmlRel.selectSingleNode("Table").Text
relFTable = xmlRel.selectSingleNode("ForeignTable").Text
relAttr = xmlRel.selectSingleNode("Attributes").Text
'remove any possible conflicting relations or indexes
On Error Resume next
oApplication.CurrentDb.Relations.Delete (relName)
On Error Goto 0
'create the relationship object
Set accessRel = oApplication.CurrentDb.CreateRelation(relName, relTable, relFTable, relAttr)
'in case the relationship works with more fields
For Each xmlField In xmlRel.selectNodes("Field")
accessRel.Fields.Append accessRel.CreateField(xmlField.selectSingleNode("Name").Text)
accessRel.Fields(xmlField.selectSingleNode("Name").Text).ForeignName = xmlField.selectSingleNode("ForeignName").Text
'and finally append the newly created relationship to the database
oApplication.CurrentDb.Relations.Append accessRel
End Function
Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application")
oApplication.NewCurrentDatabase path 'new database
oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase path 'existing database
如果您从 VBA 而不是 VBScript 运行它,您可以在使用oApplication的代码中的任何地方删除参数和常规Application对象。
我开始处理这段代码,因为我需要在一个非常复杂的 MsAccess 项目上实现版本控制。这篇文章让我感动,关于如何导出/导入 MsAccess 项目的其他部分也有一些很好的建议。
Sub RunExamples()
Dim strCopyMDB As String
Dim fs As FileSystemObject
Dim blnFound As Boolean
Dim i
' This code is not intended for general users, it is sample code built '
' around the OP '
'You will need a reference to the Microsoft DAO 3.x Object Library '
'This line causes an error, but it will run '
'It is not suitable for anything other than saving a little time '
'when setting up a new database '
Application.References.AddFromFile ("C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll")
'You must first create a back-up copy '
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strCopyMDB = CurrentProject.Path & "\c.mdb"
blnFound = fs.FileExists(strCopyMDB)
i = 0
Do While blnFound
strCopyMDB = CurrentProject.Path & "\c" & i & ".mdb"
blnFound = fs.FileExists(strCopyMDB)
fs.CopyFile CurrentProject.FullName, strCopyMDB
AddIndexesFromBU strCopyMDB
AddRelationsFromBU strCopyMDB
End Sub
Sub ChangeTables()
Dim db As Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim rel As DAO.Relation
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim ndx As DAO.Index
Dim i
Set db = CurrentDb
'In order to programmatically change an autonumber, '
'it is necessary to delete any relationships that '
'depend on it. '
'When deleting from a collection, it is best '
'to iterate backwards. '
For i = db.Relations.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
db.Relations.Delete db.Relations(i).Name
'The indexes must also be deleted or the '
'number cannot be changed. '
For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
If Left(tdf.Name, 4) <> "Msys" Then
For i = tdf.Indexes.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
tdf.Indexes.Delete tdf.Indexes(i).Name
For Each fld In tdf.Fields
'If the field is an autonumber, '
'use code supplied by MS to change the type '
If (fld.Attributes And dbAutoIncrField) Then
AlterFieldType tdf.Name, fld.Name, "Long"
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub AddIndexesFromBU(MDBBU)
Dim db As Database
Dim dbBU As Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim tdfBU As DAO.TableDef
Dim ndx As DAO.Index
Dim ndxBU As DAO.Index
Dim i
Set db = CurrentDb
'This is the back-up made before starting '
Set dbBU = OpenDatabase(MDBBU)
For Each tdfBU In dbBU.TableDefs
'Skip system tables '
If Left(tdfBU.Name, 4) <> "Msys" Then
For i = tdfBU.Indexes.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
'Get each index from the back-up '
Set ndxBU = tdfBU.Indexes(i)
Set tdf = db.TableDefs(tdfBU.Name)
Set ndx = tdf.CreateIndex(ndxBU.Name)
ndx.Fields = ndxBU.Fields
ndx.IgnoreNulls = ndxBU.IgnoreNulls
ndx.Primary = ndxBU.Primary
ndx.Required = ndxBU.Required
ndx.Unique = ndxBU.Unique
' and add it to the current db '
tdf.Indexes.Append ndx
End If
End Sub
Sub AddRelationsFromBU(MDBBU)
Dim db As Database
Dim dbBU As Database
Dim rel As DAO.Relation
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim relBU As DAO.Relation
Dim i, j, f
On Error GoTo ErrTrap
Set db = CurrentDb
'The back-up again '
Set dbBU = OpenDatabase(MDBBU)
For i = dbBU.Relations.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
'Get each relationship from bu '
Set relBU = dbBU.Relations(i)
Debug.Print relBU.Name
Set rel = db.CreateRelation(relBU.Name, relBU.Table, relBU.ForeignTable, relBU.Attributes)
For j = 0 To relBU.Fields.Count - 1
f = relBU.Fields(j).Name
rel.Fields.Append rel.CreateField(f)
rel.Fields(f).ForeignName = relBU.Fields(j).ForeignName
'For some relationships, I am getting error'
'3284 Index already exists, which I will try'
'and track down tomorrow, I hope'
'EDIT: Apparently this is due to Access creating hidden indexes
'and tracking these down would take quite a bit of effort
'more information can be found in this link:
'It is an occasional problem, so I've added an error trap
'Add the relationship to the current db'
db.Relations.Append rel
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 3284 Then
Debug.Print relBU.Name, relBU.Table, relBU.ForeignTable, relBU.Attributes
Resume Next
'this is not a user sub, so may as well ... '
End If
End Sub
Sub AlterFieldType(TblName As String, FieldName As String, _
NewDataType As String)
Dim db As Database
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb()
' Create a dummy QueryDef object.'
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("", "Select * from PROD1")
' Add a temporary field to the table.'
qdf.SQL = "ALTER TABLE [" & TblName & "] ADD COLUMN AlterTempField " & NewDataType
' Copy the data from old field into the new field.'
qdf.SQL = "UPDATE DISTINCTROW [" & TblName _
& "] SET AlterTempField = [" & FieldName & "]"
' Delete the old field.'
qdf.SQL = "ALTER TABLE [" & TblName & "] DROP COLUMN [" _
& FieldName & "]"
' Rename the temporary field to the old field's name.'
db.TableDefs("[" & TblName & "]").Fields("AlterTempField").Name = FieldName
End Sub
感谢您的代码片段。为了摆脱你的 3284 错误,我改变了一些东西。如果您从示例 mdb 复制所有索引,然后尝试放置关系,则会引发异常,因为当您放置关系时,它不希望为关系提供索引,它会放置自己的索引。我遵循的步骤是(假设 target.mdb 和 source.mdb):
在 target.mdb 中运行此代码,通过调用 ChangeTables删除所有索引和关系AddIndexesFromBU
source.mdb 并使用条件ndxBU.Unique
Then tdf.Indexes.Append ndx
End If 这将只放置唯一索引source.mdb
Then我还在 AddIndexesFromBU 中添加了与 AddRelationsFromBU 相同的错误陷阱,并在 if ans else 中继续下一步