我没有看到如何使用 net_spec 在以前的网络中加载,但您始终可以直接使用 protobuf 对象。(我以你的网络结构为例)
import caffe.proto.caffe_pb2 as caffe_pb2
import google.protobuf as pb
from caffe import layers as L
net = caffe_pb2.NetParameter()
with open('net.prototxt', 'r') as f:
pb.text_format.Merge(f.read(), net)
#example of modifing the network:
net.layer[1].name = 'conv1_1'
net.layer[1].top[0] = 'conv1_1'
net.layer[2].name = 'conv1_2'
net.layer[2].top[0] = 'conv1_2'
net.layer[2].bottom[0] = 'conv1_1'
net.layer[3].bottom[0] = 'conv2_2'
#example of adding new layers (using net_spec):
conv2_1 = net.layer.add()
conv2_1.CopyFrom(L.Convolution(kernel_size=7, stride=1, num_output=48, pad=0).to_proto().layer[0])
conv2_1.name = 'conv2_1'
conv2_1.top[0] = 'conv2_1'
conv2_2 = net.layer.add()
conv2_2.CopyFrom(L.Convolution(kernel_size=7, stride=1, num_output=48, pad=0).to_proto().layer[0])
conv2_2.name = 'conv2_2'
conv2_2.top[0] = 'conv2_2'
# then write back out:
with open('net2.prototxt, 'w') as f:
另请参阅此处作为 python 中协议缓冲区的指南,并在此处查看当前的 caffe 消息格式。