I'm trying to install Sencha-Cmd- in xUbuntu.

I downloaded SenchaCmd-6.0.2-linux-amd64.sh.zip and unzipped it to my desktop.

I installed Java by executing sudo apt-get install default-jdk -y.

Then I executed ./SenchaCmd- The installation window appeared and I successfully went through the process.

Upon completion, I typed in sencha at the command prompt but I got a command not found error.


1 回答 1


Sencha 可能不在您的 $PATH 中,我不确定它安装在哪里,但可能在您的主目录中的某个位置。通过在终端中发出以下命令,确保 Sencha 安装目录不在您的 $PATH 中

echo $PATH

假设您使用 bash 并且 sencha 现在是您的 $PATH,例如,将其添加到您的 ~/.bashrc

export PATH=$PATH:~/sencha/cmd/


于 2016-03-13T09:58:00.537 回答