
使用以下代码使用外部 exe 文件更新我的应用程序,当我移动此窗口时,我在下面的窗口(主应用程序和调用者)中得到了绘制损坏(不是更新或刷新)。似乎在 Windows 7 下工作正常,但在 Windows XP 下我有这个问题。

void CMainFrame::OnBtnUpdateApp() {

    DWORD               dwExitCode;
    HINSTANCE           hProcess = 0;
    BOOL                bResult;

    lpExecInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO);
    lpExecInfo.hwnd = GetSafeHwnd();
    lpExecInfo.lpVerb = _T("open");
    lpExecInfo.lpFile = _T("Update.exe");
    lpExecInfo.lpParameters = _T("");
    lpExecInfo.lpDirectory = _T("");
    lpExecInfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
    lpExecInfo.hInstApp = NULL;
    lpExecInfo.hProcess = hProcess;

    bResult = ShellExecuteEx(&lpExecInfo);

    if(bResult) { 

         WaitForSingleObject( lpExecInfo.hProcess, INFINITE );

         if (!GetExitCodeProcess(lpExecInfo.hProcess, &dwExitCode)) {
                //failed to terminate normally   


    } else {

        //failed to execute the exe file




1 回答 1



关于 Windows XP 和 Windows 7 之间的区别,Windows 7 中的桌面窗口管理器技术是随 Windows Vista 引入的,而在 Windows XP 中不可用。本质上,它在每个应用程序的绘画动作和屏幕上的结果之间提供了一层间接性。

启动和等待程序的合理方法是禁用主窗口窗口的用户界面部分,然后在 peek-message 循环中轮询程序的退出状态。


#include <windows.h>    // UNICODE, NOMINMAX, STRICT, WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
#include <windowsx.h>   // Message cracker macros, e.g. HANDLE_WM_DESTROY

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

auto hopefully( bool const condition ) -> bool { return condition; }
auto fail( string const& s ) -> bool { throw runtime_error( s ); }

struct Window_class_id
    ATOM value;
    auto as_pointer() const -> wchar_t const* { return MAKEINTATOM( value ); }

auto get_message( MSG& m )
    -> bool
    int const result = GetMessage( &m, 0, 0, 0 );
    hopefully( result != -1 )
        || fail( "GetMessage failed" );
    return !!result;

auto peek_message( MSG& m )
    -> bool
    int const result = PeekMessage( &m, 0, 0, 0, TRUE );
    hopefully( result != -1 )
        || fail( "PeekMessage failed" );
    return !!result;

void empty_message_queue()
    MSG m;
    while( peek_message( m ) )
        TranslateMessage( &m );
        DispatchMessage( &m );

auto dispatch_messages()
    -> DWORD            // Exit code from WM_QUIT
    MSG msg;
    while( get_message( msg ) )
        TranslateMessage( &msg );
        DispatchMessage( &msg );
    assert( msg.message == WM_QUIT );
    return msg.wParam;

auto run( wchar_t const command[] )
    -> HANDLE
    wstring commandline = command;
    hopefully( commandline.length() > 0 )
        || fail( "run: Empty command line" );
    STARTUPINFO in_params = { sizeof( STARTUPINFO ) };
    PROCESS_INFORMATION out_params = {};

    bool const success = !!CreateProcess(
        nullptr,            // app name
        nullptr,            // process attributes
        nullptr,            // thread attributes
        false,              // inherit handles
        0,                  // creation flags
        nullptr,            // environment block
        nullptr,            // current directory
        &in_params,         // startup info
        &out_params         // process info
    hopefully( success )
        || fail( "run: CreateProcess failed" );
    CloseHandle( out_params.hThread );
    return out_params.hProcess;

namespace main_window
    namespace command_id {
        int const run_fun = 101;
    }  // namespace command

    namespace run_button {
        int const id     = command_id::run_fun;
    }  // namespace run_button

    namespace command {
        void run_fun( HWND const window )
            EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( window, run_button::id ), false );
            UpdateWindow( window );
            HANDLE const process = run( L"notepad" );
            for( ;; )
                DWORD const result = WaitForSingleObject( process, 100 );
                if( result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
            CloseHandle( process );
            EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( window, run_button::id ), true );
    }  // namespace command

   void on_command( HWND const window, int const id )
        switch( id )
        case command_id::run_fun:   return command::run_fun( window );

    void on_wm_command(
        HWND const      window,
        int const       control_or_command_id,
        HWND const      control,
        UINT const      notification_code
        if( control == 0 )
            int const command_id = control_or_command_id;
            on_command( window, command_id );
            int const control_id = control_or_command_id;
            switch( control_id )
            case run_button::id:
                if( notification_code == BN_CLICKED )
                    int const command_id = control_id;
                    on_command( window, command_id );

    auto on_wm_create( HWND const window, CREATESTRUCT const* const p_params )
        -> bool     // `true` if creation succeeded.
        (void) p_params;
        HWND const button_handle = CreateWindow(
            L"button", L"Run the fun", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,
            10, 10, 120, 26,
            window,             // parent
            reinterpret_cast<HMENU>( run_button::id ),
            GetModuleHandle( 0 ),
            0           // lpParam
        return (button_handle != 0);

    void on_wm_destroy( HWND const window )
        (void) window;
        PostQuitMessage( 0 );

    auto CALLBACK message_handler(
        HWND const          window,
        UINT const          message_id,
        WPARAM const        word_param,
        LPARAM const        long_param
        -> LRESULT
        switch( message_id )
            case WM_COMMAND:    return HANDLE_WM_COMMAND(
                window, word_param, long_param, on_wm_command );
            case WM_CREATE:     return HANDLE_WM_CREATE(
                window, word_param, long_param, on_wm_create );
            case WM_DESTROY:    return HANDLE_WM_DESTROY(
                window, word_param, long_param, on_wm_destroy );
        return DefWindowProc( window, message_id, word_param, long_param );
}  // namespace main_window

auto register_window_class()
    -> Window_class_id
    WNDCLASS params = {};
    params.style            = CS_DBLCLKS;
    params.lpfnWndProc      = main_window::message_handler;
    params.hInstance        = GetModuleHandle( 0 );
    params.hIcon            = LoadIcon( 0, IDI_APPLICATION );
    params.hCursor          = LoadCursor( 0, IDC_ARROW );
    params.hbrBackground    = reinterpret_cast<HBRUSH>( COLOR_WINDOW );
    params.lpszClassName    = L"MainWindow_class";

    ATOM const id = RegisterClass( &params );
    hopefully( id != 0 )
        || fail( "RegisterClass failed" );
    return {id};

auto create_window( Window_class_id const& class_id )
    -> HWND
    HWND const handle = CreateWindow(
        L"Fun run",
        CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 380, 221,     // x, y, w, h
        0, 0,       // parent, menu
        GetModuleHandle( 0 ),
        0           // lpParam
    hopefully( handle != 0 )
        || fail( "CreateWindow failed" );
    return handle;

void cpp_main()
    Window_class_id const class_id = register_window_class();
    HWND const window = create_window( class_id );
    ShowWindow( window, SW_SHOWDEFAULT );
    int const exit_code = static_cast<int>( dispatch_messages() );
    hopefully( exit_code == 0 )
        || fail( "WM_QUIT indicated failure" );

auto main() -> int
    try{ cpp_main(); } catch( ... ) { return E_FAIL; }
    return 0;
于 2016-02-14T11:14:51.453 回答