BPG 是一种比 jpeg 压缩效率更高的数字图像格式。我想在 OS X 10.10.5 (14F1509)上编译libbpg-0.9.6 。我的 Xcode 版本是7.2.1 (7C1002)。
$gcc --version
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents
/Developer/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple LLVM version 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0
Thread model: posix
我已经安装了所有必要的库(参见:github.com/mirrorer/libbpg)。当我运行 make 我有以下错误:
gcc -Os -Wall -MMD -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fno-math-errno -fno-signed-zeros -fno-tree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -I. -DCONFIG_BPG_VERSION=\"0.9.6\" -g -I./x265/source -I./x265.out/8bit -c -o x265_glue.o x265_glue.c
g++ -g -Wl,-dead_strip -o bpgenc bpgenc.o x265_glue.o x265.out/8bit/libx265.a x265.out/10bit/libx265.a x265.out/12bit/libx265.a -lpng -ljpeg -lm -lpthread
gcc -Os -Wall -MMD -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fno-math-errno -fno-signed-zeros -fno-tree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -I. -DCONFIG_BPG_VERSION=\"0.9.6\" -g -c -o bpgview.o bpgview.c
gcc -g -Wl,-dead_strip -o bpgview bpgview.o libbpg.a -lSDL_image -lSDL -lm -lpthread
ld: entry point (_main) undefined. for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [bpgview] Error 1
我确实检查了 bpgview.o 中的符号。不仅int main没有出现,而且bpgview.c中的static void help和static void set_caption也没有出现。
$nm bpgview.o
U _IMG_Load
U _SDL_AddTimer
U _SDL_CreateRGBSurface
U _SDL_EnableKeyRepeat
U _SDL_FillRect
U _SDL_Flip
U _SDL_FreeSurface
U _SDL_GetVideoInfo
U _SDL_Init
U _SDL_LockSurface
U _SDL_PushEvent
U _SDL_RemoveTimer
U _SDL_SetVideoMode
U _SDL_UnlockSurface
U _SDL_UpperBlit
U _SDL_WM_SetCaption
U _SDL_WaitEvent
00000000000006f6 T _SDL_main
U ___snprintf_chk
U ___stack_chk_fail
U ___stack_chk_guard
U ___stderrp
U _bpg_decoder_close
U _bpg_decoder_decode
U _bpg_decoder_get_frame_duration
U _bpg_decoder_get_info
U _bpg_decoder_get_info_from_buf
U _bpg_decoder_get_line
U _bpg_decoder_open
U _bpg_decoder_start
0000000000000000 T _bpg_load
0000000000000404 T _center_image
0000000000000465 T _draw_image
U _exit
U _fclose
U _fopen
U _fprintf
U _fread
U _free
U _fseek
U _ftell
U _fwrite
U _getopt
000000000000021f T _load_image
U _malloc
0000000000000c64 t _open_window
U _optind
000000000000069a T _pan_image
U _printf
U _realloc
00000000000003c6 t _restart_frame_timer
0000000000000cbc t _timer_cb
完整的 make 输出在pastebin 上。
我觉得这很奇怪,但可能有一些我不知道的 gcc 选项让编译器忽略函数。感谢您的时间。