我需要在 ag-grid 中有一个列,我可以从下拉列表中选择多个值。我只是在网上搜索了一下,看看它是否已经实现,但我只能找到一个链接。
function agDropDownEditor(params, optionsName, optionsList) {
_.set(params.$scope, optionsName+'.optionsList', optionsList);
var html = '<span style="width:100%; display:inline-block" ng-show="!'+optionsName+'.editing" ng-click="'+optionsName+'.startEditing()">{{data.'+params.colDef.field+'}}</span> ' +
'<select style="width:100%" ng-blur="'+optionsName+'.editing=false" ng-change="'+optionsName+'.editing=false" ng-show="'+optionsName+'.editing" ng-options="item for item in '+optionsName+'.optionsList" ng-model="data.'+params.colDef.field+'">';
// we could return the html as a string, however we want to add a 'onfocus' listener, which is not possible in AngularJS
var domElement = document.createElement("span");
domElement.innerHTML = html;
_.set(params.$scope, optionsName+'.startEditing', function() {
_.set(params.$scope, optionsName+'.editing', true); // set to true, to show dropdown
// put this into $timeout, so it happens AFTER the digest cycle,
// otherwise the item we are trying to focus is not visible
$timeout(function () {
var select = domElement.querySelector('select');
}, 0);
return domElement;