

mlogit(formula = RES ~ -1 + V1 + V2, data = data, 
    reflevel = 1, rpar = c(V1 = "n", V2 = "n"), weights = Weight1, correlation = FALSE, 
    halton = NA, panel = TRUE, seed = 1234567890, method = "bfgs")


Frequencies of alternatives:
      1       2 
0.22987 0.77013 

bfgs method
19 iterations, 0h:15m:34s 
g'(-H)^-1g = 4.29E-08 
gradient close to zero 

Coefficients :
      Estimate Std. Error t-value  Pr(>|t|)    
V1     0.859789   0.019076  45.072 < 2.2e-16 ***
V2     2.705395   0.039205  69.006 < 2.2e-16 ***
sd.V1  0.483573   0.023502  20.576 < 2.2e-16 ***
sd.V2  3.916796   0.062557  62.612 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Log-Likelihood: -9297.9

random coefficients
       Min.    1st Qu.    Median      Mean  3rd Qu. Max.
V1  -Inf 0.53362451 0.8597892 0.8597892 1.185954  Inf
V2  -Inf 0.06355681 2.7053955 2.7053955 5.347234  Inf

但是,当我在 Stata 中运行相同的混合 logit 模型时,以下命令:

mixlogit res [pweight=weight1], group(str) id(id) rand(V1 V2) ln(0)


Mixed logit model                               Number of obs     =     41,154
                                                Wald chi2(2)      =     395.55
Log likelihood = -9089.7906                     Prob > chi2       =     0.0000

             |               Robust
         res |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
Mean         |
          V1 |   1.207748   .0774815    15.59   0.000     1.055887    1.359608
          V2 |   4.458814   .2356245    18.92   0.000     3.996998    4.920629
SD           |
          V1 |   1.107036   .0765884    14.45   0.000     .9569252    1.257146
          V2 |   4.444472   .3586858    12.39   0.000     3.741461    5.147483

pweight无论我在 Stata ( 、iweight或)中使用什么加权方案fweight,我都会得到类似的结果,而不会得到 R 给我的结果。

但是,当我在任一程序中运行未加权混合 logit 模型时,我得到相同的估计值。这让我觉得权重是显而易见的问题,但我不知道 R 在做什么。



1 回答 1


这可能只有我能看到,但万一有人遇到这种情况,问题在于权重。原因是 R 命令 ( R = 10, tol = 10) 中的停止条件过于宽松。如果您设置R为更大和tol更小,则两个估计值会收敛。

于 2016-02-15T17:43:30.233 回答