Fragment1 --> Fragment2 --> Fragment3 --> Fragment4
                                    Orientation changed
                       Fragment3 <-- Fragment4
                       Fragment3 --> Fragment5 

 Scenario : 1. I am having an application with single activity with fragment.
            2. In oncreate of fragment i enabled setRetainInstance(true);
            3. After launching the activity i am navigating from fragment 1 to fragment 2 by added to back stack and commit.
            4. Same for fragment 2 to fragment 3 and fragment 3 to fragment 4.
            5. From fragment 4 i changed the orientation. As mentioned due to setRetainInstance(true);. Fragment 4 onViewCreated has called.
            6. But when go back to fragment 3 by pressing back button. And make a transcation from fragment 3 to frament 5. I got an exception "*

java.lang.IllegalStateException:onSaveInstanceState 后无法执行此操作


**As far as i searched i found few solution,
1. override onSavedInstance, dont call super method. [I dont want to use this]
2. And manifest declare , android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|keyboardHidden" [I dont want to use this] I want to handle config changes.**

请有人向我解释在方向改变后处理回栈片段的正确方法是什么。[注意:当我尝试从片段 3 提交到新片段 5 时,它崩溃了。]

FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
        transaction.replace(containerID, baseFragment,TAG);

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