是的,您无需等待完成即可开始 ADC 转换。不要使用analogRead
,而是查看 Nick Gammon在此处的示例,在“无阻塞读取”部分。
1) 让它在自由运行模式下运行,尽可能快地采样,或者
2) 使用定时器 ISR 启动 ADC,或
3) 用于millis()
uint32_t last_conversion_time;
void setup()
last_conversion_time = millis();
void loop()
if (millis() - last_conversion_time >= ADC_INTERVAL) {
<start a new conversion here>
// Assume we got here as calculated, even if there
// were small delays
last_conversion_time += ADC_INTERVAL; // not millis()+ADC_INTERVAL!
// If there are other delays in your program > ADC_INTERVAL,
// you won't get back in time, and your samples will not
// be regularly-spaced.
无论您如何定期启动转换,您都可以轮询完成或附加 ISR 以在完成时调用。
关键字用于 ISR 和loop