I have some scripts (in fitnesse) that executes some selenium commands. However, there are some processes wherein it would be too complex (or hackish) with a plain selenium (+fitnesse) approach, so I'm planning to create my own class which will handle those complex processing (i.e. check if the items in the table are sorted in ascending date).

This class would then have to take control of the browser that the first selenium java client has launched (i.e. after logging in, navigating to some pages, doing some other actions), and then do its specialized actions.

How would I be able to do that with the selenium java client?


1 回答 1


一般来说,如果您有 Selenium 会话 ID,则可以执行此操作。会话 ID 是 Selenium 服务器将命令与特定浏览器相关联的方式。

至于如何在 Java 客户端中传递或使用它,我会深入研究 javadocs。但我在 Ruby 中执行此操作,并且效果很好。

于 2010-08-23T02:18:01.717 回答