I am helping a client redesign their website through Hubspot. Their existing site is within Hubspot and their new website will also be within Hubspot. I am attempting to run the development through Hubspot's Content Staging as per this link: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/website-user-guide/how-to-redesign-and-relaunch-your-site-with-content-staging

The problem is that this appears to be on a per page basis rather than a per site basis. A problem with this is that I am unable to stage files such as the primary CSS file, or other CSS/JS files that I need to make changes to, but that the existing website will need to keep untouched throughout development.

Does anyone have any experience redesigning a Hubspot website who may have some advise for me? What am I missing?



1 回答 1


当我在客户的门户中重新开发 HubSpot 站点时,我会逐个模板地进行。

因此,例如,如果您正在创建一个新主页,只需在模板文件本身中附加您需要的任何样式表和脚本 - 可以在Edit > Edit Head菜单中找到。在这里您可以禁用该Primary CSS文件,也可以禁用domain specific样式表(您添加的样式表Content > Content Settings),以便您的模板仅使用您希望它使用的资产。

使用这种技术,您可以处理单个模板,然后独立于网站的其余部分暂存使用所述模板的任何页面。最后,当您准备好在整个站点范围内进行更改时,只需将您的资产从Edit head模板内的区域移动到该Content Settings区域即可。

于 2016-02-24T02:52:16.520 回答