我最近从带有 3.5.0.GA SDK 的 Titanium 更新到带有 5.2.0SDK 的 Appcelerator Studio,并且不能再在 XCode (7.2.1) 中构建和运行 appc (5.1.0 CLI) 生成的项目而不会丢失显示我的自定义字体资源(app/assets/fonts)的能力。

在工作室(最新 4.4.0)中为 iOS 构建项目并部署到连接的 iPhone 6(运行 9.2)时,所有字体都正确显示在应用程序中。但是,<projectname>.xcodeproject在此过程中构建和运行由 appc 生成的字体时,是否不显示相同的字体?



仅供参考 - 作为参考,我尝试在上面的最新 XCode(7.2.1)中构建在 Titanium studio w/3.5.0.GA 中生成的相同项目,并且字体仍然可以正常工作,所以这个问题似乎与 Appcelerator Studio 与 CLI 5.1.0 和 SDK 5.2.0 组合。


1 回答 1



第 1 步:从调试 ipa 中获取资源文件:

a. Build a debug version for your iPhone device.
b. After the app has successfully launched on your iPhone, navigate to the ipa file in the debug build folder. Click right on the file (or cmd-click) and choose to uncompress the file
c. In the extracted archive find the payload file. Also right click on the file (or cmd-click) and choose to show its contents.
d. You should now see your resource files and folders. Select all the required files and folders and copy them in some new folder.

第 2 步:将文件添加到 XCode 项目

a. Open the build XCode project with XCode
b. In the left column right click (or cmd-click) on your project
c. Choose "Add Files to [project name]"
d. In the file dialog multiselect your files and folders you copied from the debug ipa in step 1
e. That's it. Now archive your product and submit it.
于 2016-02-09T08:42:26.427 回答