There was/is a lot of confusion, as JSR-330 (Dependency Injection for
Java) led by Rod Johnson (SpringSource) and Bob Lee (Google Inc.)
became a part of Java EE 6. JSR-330 is very simplistic. It comes with
own few annotations from the package: javax.inject. The package
contains the following elements: Inject, Qualifier, Scope, Singleton,
Named and Provider. Its the definition of the basic dependency
injection semantics.
JSR-299 (Java Contexts and Dependency Injection), with Gavin King as
lead, uses JSR-330 as base and enhances it significantly with
modularization, cross cutting aspects (decorators, interceptors),
custom scopes, or type safe injection capabilities. JSR-299 is layered
on top of JSR-330.
It is amusing to see that the built-in qualifier @Named is not
recommended and should be used only for integration with legacy code:
"The use of @Named as an injection point qualifier is not recommended,
except in the case of integration with legacy code that uses
string-based names to identify beans." [3.11 The qualifier @Named at
injection points, JSR-299 Spec, Page 32]