我有一个简单的程序,只需要在单击按钮时在 JTextField 上设置其 Unicode 值大于字符数据类型(补充字符)的字符。告诉我我真的受够了,我将如何做。这个问题已经解决了我的 4 天。
//importing the packages
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
//My own custom class
public class UnicodeTest implements ActionListener
JFrame jf;
JLabel jl;
JTextField jtf;
JButton jb;
jf=new JFrame();// making a frame
jf.setLayout(null); //seting the layout null of this frame container
jl=new JLabel("enter text"); //making the label
jtf=new JTextField();// making a textfied onto which a character will be shown
jb=new JButton("enter");
//setting the bounds
jb.setBounds(50, 230, 100, 100);
jf.setVisible(true); //making frame visible
jb.addActionListener(this); // registering the listener object
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) // event generated on the button click
{ try{
int x=66560; //to print the character of this code point
jtf.setText(""+(char)x);// i have to set the textfiled with a code point character which is supplementary in this case
catch(Exception ee)// caughting the exception if arrived
{ ee.printStackTrace(); // it will trace the stack frame where exception arrive
// making the main method the starting point of our program
public static void main(String[] args)
//creating and showing this application's GUI.
new UnicodeTest();