因此,在我的数独示例中,我选择了第一个空单元格并尝试从 {1...9} 中填充一个自然数,该自然数与众所周知的数独规则不冲突。现在我对下一个空单元格做同样的事情,直到我没有插入有效数字而不会发生冲突。据我了解,这应该是回溯发挥作用的地方。但是怎么做?如果我使用递归返回最后写入的单元格,算法将再次填写数字,继续并最终陷入无限循环。
因此,我在 Internet 上搜索了提示,发现这是一个有据可查且经常解决的问题。然而,许多解决方案声称使用回溯,即使我面前有源代码,我也看不出他们是如何或在哪里做的。
例如:Java 中的数独求解器,使用回溯和递归或http://www.heimetli.ch/ffh/simplifiedsudoku.html
private boolean isSolvable( Sudoku sudoku, int row, int col ){
//if the method is called for a row > 8 the sudoku is solved
if(row > 8)
return true;
//calculate the next cell, jump one row if at last column
int[] nextCell = (col < 8) ? new int[]{row,col+1} : new int[]{row+1,0};
//check if the current cell isWritable() that is if it is not a given cell by the puzzle
//continue recursively with the next cell if not writable
if(!sudoku.isWritable(row, col))
isSolvable(sudoku, nextCell[0], nextCell[1]);
//set the current cell to the lowest possible not conflicting number
for(int i=1; i< 10; i++){
if(!conflictAt(sudoku, row, col, i)){
sudoku.setValue(row, col, i);
//continue recursively with the next cell
isSolvable(sudoku, nextCell[0], nextCell[1]);
return false;
private boolean isSolvable( Sudoku sudoku, int row, int col ){
//if the method is called for a row > 8 the Sudoku is solved
if(row > 8)
return true;
//if the cell is not writable, get the next writable cell recursively
return isSolvable(sudoku, (col<8) ? row : row + 1, (col<8) ? col + 1 : 0);
//brute forcing for solution
for(int i=1; i<=9; i++){
if(!conflictAt(sudoku, row, col, i)){
sudoku.setValue(row, col, i);
if(isSolvable(sudoku, (col<8) ? row : row + 1, (col<8) ? col + 1 : 0)) return true;
sudoku.setValue(row, col, 0);
return false;