I was adding a target to a UIButton for my letterTapped() function like this:

button.addTarget(self, action: "letterTapped:", forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)

I like how .TouchUpInside works with autocompletion and it looks neater and seems safer than the string I'm supposed to use for the action: parameter. So I searched and found this tutorial which uses enums to replace "magic strings".

I created an enum like this:

    enum functionForAction: Selector {

    case clearTapped = "clearTapped:"
    case submitTapped = "submitTapped:"
    case letterTapped = "letterTapped:"


Then I use it like this:

 button.addTarget(self, action: functionForAction.letterTapped.rawValue, forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)

I get code completion and I'm never trying to call a misspelled selector. Feels better. But is it possible to improve it? I'd really just like to type this:

 button.addTarget(self, action: .letterTapped, forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)

Can enums make this happen for me in Swift?


1 回答 1



为了做你想做的事,我们将像你一样创建一个枚举,但也会向UIControl(UIButton的超类) 添加一个扩展,以便我们可以使用 addTargetControlSelector

enum ControlSelector: Selector {
    case ClearTapped = "clearTapped:"
    case SubmitTapped = "submitTapped:"
    case LetterTapped = "letterTapped:"

extension UIControl {
    func addTarget(target: AnyObject?, action: ControlSelector, forControlEvents controlEvents: UIControlEvents) {
        addTarget(target, action: action.rawValue, forControlEvents: controlEvents)


button.addTarget(self, action: .ClearTapped, forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)




private class ControlSelector {
    static var clearTapped: Selector = "clearTapped:"
    static var submitTapped: Selector = "submitTapped:"
    static var letterTapped: Selector = "letterTapped:"


button.addTarget(self, action: ControlSelector.clearTapped, forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)


于 2016-02-07T04:28:26.930 回答