我是Pod-Perl5的作者,这是一个解析 Perl 5 pod 的 Perl 6 模块。在 Perl 6.c 发布之前,该模块可以正常安装panda install Pod::Perl5。现在它因大量错误而失败(摘录如下,完整输出在此处)。运行测试套件时所有测试都通过:prove --exec perl6 -r

我在 IRC#perl6频道上询问过,并尝试了“核弹一切,重新安装”策略。它没有用。其他人可以帮忙吗?

$ panda install Pod::Perl5
==> Fetching Pod::Perl5
==> Building Pod::Perl5
==> Testing Pod::Perl5

# Failed test 'found 8 paragraphs'
# at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 11
# expected: '8'
#      got: '1'
Use of uninitialized value $v of type Any in string context
Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed.  in block <unit> at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 13

# Failed test 'match format text'
# at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 13
# expected: 'this text is an example of inline italicised/emphasised'
#      got: ''
Use of uninitialized value $v of type Any in string context
Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed.  in block <unit> at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 17

# Failed test 'matches format text'
# at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 17
# expected: 'this text is italicised/emphasised 
# across 
# newlines'
#      got: ''
Use of uninitialized value $v of type Any in string context
Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed.  in block <unit> at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 21

# Failed test 'matches format text'
# at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 21
# expected: 'italicised words'
#      got: ''
Use of uninitialized value $v of type Any in string context
Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed.  in block <unit> at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 25

# Failed test 'matches format text'
# at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 25
# expected: 'italicised
# words'
#      got: ''
Use of uninitialized value $v of type Any in string context
Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed.  in block <unit> at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 29

# Failed test 'matches format text'
# at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 29
# expected: 'bolded B<words> within italics!'
#      got: ''
Use of uninitialized value $v of type Any in string context
Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed.  in block <unit> at t/Grammar/01_formatting.t line 33


2 回答 2



$prove-command, '-e', "$*EXECUTABLE $libs -Ilib", "--norc", '-r', 't/'

翻译成 bash 将是:

prove -e "perl6 -Ilib" --norc -r t/



于 2016-02-07T00:05:52.203 回答

更改use lib 'lib';use lib '../lib';子目录中的测试有助于。我不太确定是否应该这样做。

于 2016-02-07T04:04:45.830 回答