如果一段代码可以对共享(和可共享)数据结构进行非原子更改,该更改可能在更新过程中被中断,从而使数据结构处于不一致状态,则它可以是可重入但非线程安全的. 在这种情况下,访问数据结构的另一个线程可能会受到半更改的数据结构的影响,并且会崩溃或执行破坏数据的操作。
我可以看到这可能会导致混乱。它们意味着记录为不需要可重入的标准函数也不需要是线程安全的,这对于 POSIX 库 iirc 是正确的(并且 POSIX 也声明它对于 ANSI/ISO 库也是如此,ISO 有没有线程的概念,因此没有线程安全的概念)。换句话说,“如果一个函数说它是不可重入的,那么它也说它是线程不安全的”。这不是逻辑上的必要性,它只是一个约定。
int i = get_global_counter();
If the callback calls this routine again, resulting in another callback, then both levels of callback will get the same parameter (which might be OK, depending on the API), but the counter will only be incremented once (which is almost certainly not the API you want, so it would have to be banned).
That's assuming the lock is recursive, of course. If the lock is non-recursive, then of course the code is non-reentrant anyway, since taking the lock the second time won't work.
Here's some pseudo-code which is "weakly re-entrant" but not thread-safe:
int i = get_global_counter();
Now it's fine to call the function from the callback, but it's not safe to call the function concurrently from different threads. It's also not safe to call it from a signal handler, because re-entrancy from a signal handler could likewise break the count if the signal happened to occur at the right time. So the code is non-re-entrant by the proper definition.
Here's some code which arguably is fully re-entrant (except I think the standard distinguishes between reentrant and 'non-interruptible by signals', and I'm not sure where this falls), but still isn't thread-safe:
int i = get_global_counter();
disable_signals(); // and any other kind of interrupts on your system
On a single-threaded app, this is fine, assuming that the OS supports disabling everything that needs to be disabled. It prevents re-entrancy from occurring at the critical point. Depending how signals are disabled, it may be safe to call from a signal handler, although in this particular example there's still the issue of the parameter passed to the callback being the same for separate calls. It can still go wrong multi-threaded, though.
In practice, non-thread-safe often implies non-re-entrant, since (informally) anything that can go wrong due to the thread being interrupted by the scheduler, and the function called again from another thread, can also go wrong if the thread is interrupted by a signal, and the function is called again from the signal handler. But then the "fix" to prevent signals (disabling them) is different from the "fix" to prevent concurrency (locks, usually). This is at best a rule of thumb.
Note that I've implied globals here, but exactly the same considerations would apply if the function took as a parameter a pointer to the counter and the lock. It's just that the various cases would be thread-unsafe or non-re-entrant when called with the same parameter, rather than when called at all.