对于我和我的同事正在开发的站点,我们使用了来自 www.dataTables.net 的数据表格式,并且由于表的增长量,我们必须使用服务器端处理。这是视图:

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  $(document).ready(function() {
      "bProcessing": true,
      "bServerSide": true,
      "sAjaxSource": "/Admin/UpdateUnassignedReviewer",
      "sPaginationType": "full_numbers"

<h2>Unassigned IPBs</h2>
  using (Html.BeginForm("Assign","Admin",FormMethod.Post))
    Html.RenderPartial("AssignmentControls", "Reviewer");
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="adminUnassignedTable">
<th>IPB Number</th>
<th>IPB Pub Date</th>
<th>Change Number</th>
<th>Change Date</th>
<th>Total # of Parts</th>
<th>Total # of Report Parts</th>
<th>Date Loaded</th>
<tbody><tr><td colspan="12" class="dataTable_empty">Loading Data From Server</td></tr></tbody>

这是 AdminController.cs 中的 sAjaxSource 函数:

public void UpdateUnassignedReviewer()
  int[] nArrayStatus = { (int)PTA.Helpers.Constants.State.Queue }
  int nTotalRecordCount = 0;
  string strEcho = "";
  _DisplayRecords = PTA.Helpers.Utility.BeginServerSideProcessing(HttpContext.Request.QueryString, nArrayStates, (int)PTA.Helpers.Constants.Location.Reviewer, ref nTotalRecordCount, ref strEcho);
  string strOutput = "";
  if (_DisplayRecords.Count() <= 0)
    PTA.Helpers.Utility.WriteBlankRecord(ref strOutput, strEcho, 12);
    strOutput += "{\"sEcho\":" + strEcho + ", ";
    strOutput += "\"iTotalRecords\": " + nTotalRecordCount.ToString() + ", ";
    strOutput += "\"iTotalDisplayRecords\": " + nTotalRecordCount.ToString() + ", ";
    strOutput += "\"aaData\": [";
    int nCounter = 0;
    foreach (IPB ipb in _DisplayRecords)
      strOutput += "[ "
      strOutput += "\"";
      strOutput += PTA.Helpers.Utility.CreateDetailsLinkHTML(ipb.ID.ToString(), ipb.IPBName) + "\",";
      strOutput += "\"" + ipb.PubDate + "\",";
      strOutput += "\"" + ipb.Change + "\",";
      strOutput += "\"" + ipb.ChangeDate + "\",";
      strOutput += "\"" + ipb.TotalParts + "\",";
      strOutput += "\"" + ipb.TotalPartsReport + "\",";
      strOutput += "\"" + ipb.ALC + "\",";
      strOutput += "\"" + ipb.DateAdded + "\",";
      strOutput += "\"" + ipb.Priority + "\",";
      strOutput += "\"" + PTA.Helpers.Utility.CreateCheckBoxHTML(ipb.ID.ToString(), nCounter++);
      strOutput += "\""; 
      strOutput += "]";

      if(ipb != _DisplayRecords.Last())
        strOutput += ", ";

  strOutput += "]}";


public ActionResult Assign(string PriorityDropDown, string UserDropDown, string ActionDropDown)
  ResetTempData(ref statusID, ref locationID, ref area);

  int  ipb_id = 0,
       action = -1;

  action = Request.Form["ActionDropDown"].ToString() == null || Request.Form["ActionDropDown"].ToString() == "" ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["ActionDropDown"]);

  string strUser = "",
         strPriority = "";

  strUser = Request.Form["UserDropDown"];
  strPriority = Request.Form["PriorityDropDown"];

  string[] strTemp = Request.Form.AllKeys;
  foreach(string str in strTemp)
      ipb_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form[str]);

      if(action > -1 || (strUser != null || strUser != "") || (strPriority != null || strPriority != ""))
        switch (action)
          case -1:
            Update(ipb_id, strPriority, strUser);
          case 1:
          case 2:
          case 5:
          case 8:
            Action(ipb_id, action);
          default: break;

  return RedirectToAction("AdminView");

这是 AdminView 功能

public ActionResult(int? statusID, int? locationID)
  if (!System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Admin"))
    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

  PTA.Modesl.DataFactory factory = new DataFactory();
  if(statusID == null)
    statusID = (int)PTA.Helpers.Constants.State.Queue;
    ViewData["status"] = statusID;

  if(locationID == null)
    locationID = (int)PTA.Helpers.Constants.Location.Reviewer;
    ViewData["location"] = locationID;

  TempData["pageStatus"] = statusID;
  TempData["pageLocation"] = locationID;
  TempData["Area"] = Request.QueryString["Area"]?? "Unassigned";

  return View();



1 回答 1


哈哈。答案是使用最新版本。当我应该使用 1.7.0 时,我使用的是 1.6.7。它现在工作正常。

于 2010-08-19T19:32:26.157 回答