I am trying to figure out how to insert custom images as the Previous and Next buttons in owl-carousel. Below is what I have tried so far.

The <i> classes that are commented out work perfectly fine however the <img> tags underneath are not working for some reason. The browser shows the alt tags but is having trouble finding the actual image to display -- am I showing the right path to find the images?

    // init Owl

  navigation : true, // Show next and prev buttons
  navigationText: [
  //"<i class='icon-chevron-left icon-white'><</i>",
  //"<i class='icon-chevron-right icon-white'>></i>"
  "<img src='../../img/hero.jpg' alt='left'></img>",
  '<img src="../../img/rightarrow.svg" alt="right"></img>'
  slideSpeed : 300,
  paginationSpeed : 400,

  // "singleItem:true" is a shortcut for:
  // items : 1, 
  // itemsDesktop : false,
  // itemsDesktopSmall : false,
  // itemsTablet: false,
  // itemsMobile : false


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