的对象随 listeners 一起提供.on()
事件允许在客户端关闭连接时进行处理(请求被 Angular 取消,或者,例如,用户关闭了查询选项卡)。
示例 1:可取消的同步块
var clientCancelledRequest = 'clientCancelledRequest';
function cancellableAPIMethodA(req, res, next) {
var cancelRequest = false;
req.on('close', function (err){
cancelRequest = true;
var superLargeArray = [/* ... */];
try {
// Long processing loop
superLargeArray.forEach(function (item) {
if (cancelRequest) {
throw {type: clientCancelledRequest};
/* Work on item */
// Job done before client cancelled the request, send result to client
res.send(/* results */);
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw (or call next(e)) on non-cancellation exception
if (e.type !== clientCancelledRequest) {
throw e;
// Job done before client cancelled the request, send result to client
res.send(/* results */);
示例 2:带有 promise 的可取消异步块(类似于 reduce)
function cancellableAPIMethodA(req, res, next) {
var cancelRequest = false;
req.on('close', function (err){
cancelRequest = true;
var superLargeArray = [/* ... */];
var promise = Q.when();
superLargeArray.forEach(function (item) {
promise = promise.then(function() {
if (cancelRequest) {
throw {type: clientCancelledRequest};
/* Work on item */
promise.then(function() {
// Job done before client cancelled the request, send result to client
res.send(/* results */);
.catch(function(err) {
// Re-throw (or call next(err)) on non-cancellation exception
if (err.type !== clientCancelledRequest) {
throw err;