我是 iOS 和 Swift 开发环境的新手。我试图使用 Alamofire 拉 JSON 和 AlamofireObjectMapper 将检索到的 JSON 集合映射回我的 Swift 对象。

问题是我能够通过 Alamofire 请求获取 JSON 并显示计数,但映射部分似乎显示为零。是我一直错过的东西。感谢帮助。


import UIKit
import CoreLocation
import ObjectMapper

class BranchObjectMapper : Mappable {
    // MARK: Properties
    var id: Int?
    var cityId: Int?
    var areaId: Int?
    var name: String?
    var nameAr: String?
    var branchAddr: String?
    var branchAddr2: String?
    var location: CLLocation?

    required init?(_ map: Map) {

    func mapping(map: Map) {
        id     <- map["id"]
        cityId    <- map["cityId"]
        areaId  <- map["areaId"]
        name  <- map["name"]
        nameAr  <- map["nameAr"]
        branchAddr  <- map["branchAddr"]
        branchAddr2  <- map["branchAddr2"]
        location  <- map["location"]



 Alamofire.request(.GET, UrlEndpoints.branchUrl()).responseArray { (response: Response<[BranchObjectMapper], NSError>) in

    self.branchList = response.result.value!

    print(self.branchList.count) // count is correct

    for branch in self.branchList {      
        print(branch.id) // prints nil
        print(branch.id) // prints nil


完整的 JSON 响应如下所示。在 Model 中只构建了需要的。

[{"Id":"16","areaId":"17","name":"Al Aqiq","cityId":4","Zip":"","nameAr":"\u0637\u0631 \u064a\u0642 \u0627\u0644\u0645","branchAddr":"test","branchAddr2":"test"Latitude":"24.60425","Longitude":"46.629631","cityId":"1"} ]


2 回答 2


i think you are missing the right documentation of ObjectMapper lib. Check this Github ObjectMapper.

These are the types supported by the lib:

  • Int
  • Bool
  • Double
  • Float
  • String
  • RawRepresentable (Enums)
  • Array<AnyObject>
  • Dictionary<String, AnyObject>
  • Object<T: Mappable>
  • Array<T: Mappable>
  • Array<Array<T: Mappable>>
  • Set<T: Mappable>
  • Dictionary<String, T: Mappable>
  • Dictionary<String, Array<T:Mappable>>
  • Optionals of all the above
  • Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals of the above

So, if you are trying to map an Object not in that list, the result is nil.

In your case is var location: CLLocation?.

If you need to map CLLocation Object, one way is to map a CustomCLLocation with all properties as follows: JSON(i don't know your Json, this is an example)

    "long": 43.666,
    "lat": 73.4

Swift: create another file "CustomCLLocation" for example like the first one but for mapping CLLocation with your Json

var latitude: Double?
var longitude: Double?

required init?(_ map: Map) {

func mapping(map: Map) {

   longitude <- map["long"]
   latitude <- map["lat"]

and now, you can map an "fake" CLLocation Object: var location: CustomCLLocation?

Then if you want a really CLLocation. just create an Simply Extension like that(add it in the CustomCLLocation file):

extension CLLocation {
     public class func createFromCustomCLLocation(custom: CustomCLLocation) -> CLLocation {
         return self.init(custom.latitude,custom.longitude)

Using the conversion:

var locationCLL = CLLocation.createFromCustomCLLocation(location) // now is a CLLocation

Edited: Alamofire Request

I have the same request on my app with the last version of AlamofireObjectMapper for ios 8.0 +

Alamofire.request(.GET, UrlEndpoints.branchUrl()).responseArray { (response: [BranchObjectMapper]?, error : ErrorType?) in
    if(error != nil) {
        print("data downloaded")

        if let response = response {
            for branch in self.branchList {
于 2016-02-04T16:27:03.353 回答

如果您在映射 String 和 Int 变量时遇到问题,那是因为您忘记在dynamic之前添加var.

例子: dynamic var id : Int?

于 2017-11-23T02:55:40.597 回答