通过查看 Microsoft 网站上的示例应用程序How to connect with a stream socket (XAML) ,我了解了如何连接到服务器,并将字符串发送到服务器。但是,该示例并没有完全扩展到从套接字读取数据。
服务器是 ac# windows 控制台应用程序,它的作用是使用网络流向移动客户端发送数据。
//send user response
//message is a frame packet containing information
message = new Message();
//type 1 just means it's successfull
message.type = 1;
//using Newton JSON i convert the Message Object into a string object
string sendData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message);
//conver the string into a bytearray and store in the variable data (type byte array)
byte[] data = GetBytes(sendData);
//netStream is my NetworkStream i want to write the byte array called data, starting to from 0, and ending at the last point in array
netStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
//flushing the stream, not sure why, flushing means to push data
使用了该类。我对 c# Mobile 很陌生,DataReader 类的文档没有提供任何示例实现,那么如何从 Stream Socket 读取数据?
DataReader reader = new DataReader(clientSocket.InputStream);
// Set inputstream options so that we don't have to know the data size
reader.InputStreamOptions = InputStreamOptions.Partial;
await reader.LoadAsync(reader.UnconsumedBufferLength);