我想使用合并字段在 Word 文档中添加条件水印。有没有办法做到这一点?有没有办法使用如下合并字段条件来添加“草稿”水印?或任何其他方式使用条件使水印在文档上可见?我正在使用 Microsoft Word 2013。提前感谢您的帮助。
{ IF"{MERGEFIELD SampleField}"="Yes" "DRAFT" "" }
我想使用合并字段在 Word 文档中添加条件水印。有没有办法做到这一点?有没有办法使用如下合并字段条件来添加“草稿”水印?或任何其他方式使用条件使水印在文档上可见?我正在使用 Microsoft Word 2013。提前感谢您的帮助。
{ IF"{MERGEFIELD SampleField}"="Yes" "DRAFT" "" }
Yes, it's possible, with the caveat that you can't use Word's built-in Insert/Watermark functionality. An "If" conditional can work only with textual content. Word's built-in Watermarks are "WordArt" - which places an object in the document.
But you can use the Text Box drawing tool (as in Insert/Text Box/Draw Text box) to create the "container" for the watermark text in the document Header. It can be positioned anywhere on the page; make sure you set the text wrap formatting to "Behind text".
Insert the If field into that, with the nested mergefield and conditional statement. You need to type the watermark text and format it the way you want to have it.
正确的格式:{ IF { MERGEFIELD PrintCopy = 1 "ORIGINAL" "COPY" }}