我刚刚开始研究 QML 和 QT Quick Controls 并一直在玩 Tumbler 控件。目前,我已经修改了示例并尝试对其进行自定义以了解控件。
Tumbler {
id: tumbler
anchors.centerIn: parent
Label {
id: characterMetrics
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: textSingleton.font.pixelSize * 1.25
visible: false
text: "M"
// Just add the month column for simplicity
TumblerColumn {
id: monthColumn
width: characterMetrics.width * 3 + tumbler.delegateTextMargins
model: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
style: TumblerStyle {
id: tumblerStyle
delegate: Item {
implicitHeight: (tumbler.height - padding.top - padding.bottom) / tumblerStyle.visibleItemCount
Text {
id: label
text: styleData.value
color: styleData.current ? "#52E16D" : "#808285"
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: textSingleton.font.pixelSize * 1.5
opacity: 0.4 + Math.max(0, 1 - Math.abs(styleData.displacement)) * 0.6
anchors.centerIn: parent
// No frame
property Component frame: Canvas {
onPaint: {
property Component separator: Canvas {
implicitWidth: Math.max(10, Math.round(textSingleton.implicitHeight * 0.4))
onPaint: {
// Do not draw any separator
// No gradient background
property Component background: Rectangle {
property Component foreground: Item {
clip: true
Rectangle {
id: rect
anchors.fill: parent
// Go one pixel larger than our parent so that we can hide our one pixel frame
// that the shadow is created from.
anchors.margins: -1
color: "transparent"
border.color: "black"
visible: false
DropShadow {
现在我想要做的不是在整个不倒翁控件周围有一个框架,我只想在 TumblerColumn 的顶部和底部画一条线。所以可以想象我的 Tumbler 有很多 TumblerColumns,我只想能够基本上能够在控件顶部沿其宽度和底部绘制一条线。
但是,似乎使用 TumblerStyle,我只能修改影响整个 Tumbler 控件的内容。如何装饰单个 TumblerColumn?