我正在使用 Matter.JS 创建一个横向滚动游戏,在这个游戏中,一个英雄是由火制成的,所以他需要一些烟雾,但我不知道如何让粒子漂浮在空中,我该怎么做Matter.JS 中的浮动体?

我想要这样的东西: https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-QhKcae-6E

请在此处查看我的代码笔:http: //codepen.io/vanuatu/pen/VeQMpp

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas-container");

// Matter module aliases
var Engine          = Matter.Engine,
    World           = Matter.World,
    Body            = Matter.Body,
    Bodies          = Matter.Bodies,
    Events          = Matter.Events,
    Constraint      = Matter.Constraint,
    Composite       = Matter.Composite,
    Composites      = Matter.Composites,
    Bounds          = Matter.Bounds,
    Mouse           = Matter.Mouse,
    MouseConstraint = Matter.MouseConstraint;

// create a Matter.js engine
var engine = Engine.create(document.body, {
  enableSleeping: false, // def = false
  render: {
    options: {
      showAngleIndicator : true,
      wireframes         : true,
      showVelocity       : true,
      showCollisions     : true,
      enableSleeping     : true,
      hasBounds          : true

// add a mouse controlled constraint
var mouseConstraint = MouseConstraint.create(engine);
World.add(engine.world, mouseConstraint);

// create the ground the stack will sit on
var ground = Bodies.rectangle(200, 250, 1500, 10, { 
  isStatic: true 

// create the wrecking ball
var ball = Bodies.circle(260, 60, 20, { density: 1, frictionAir: 0.001});

// create the rope the ball will swing on
var ballRope = Constraint.create({
  pointA: { x: 340, y: 60 },
  bodyB: ball

// basket ball
var basketBall = Bodies.circle(60, 60, 20,  { restitution: 0.9 });

// bubble ball
var bubbleBall = Bodies.circle(120, 60, 40, { 
  //frictionAir: 1,
  density  : 1,
  slop     : 2,
  friction : 1

initialEngineBoundsMaxX = engine.render.bounds.max.x
initialEngineBoundsMaxY = engine.render.bounds.max.y
centerX = - 200
centerY = - 200

var square = Bodies.rectangle(180, 60, 20, 20);

var counter = 0;
var infCounter = -1000;
Events.on(engine, 'beforeUpdate', function(event) {
  counter += 1;
  infCounter += 1;

  hero = bubbleBall

  // Fallow Hero X
  engine.render.bounds.min.x = centerX + hero.bounds.min.x
  engine.render.bounds.max.x = centerX + hero.bounds.min.x + initialEngineBoundsMaxX

  // Fallow Hero Y
  engine.render.bounds.min.y = centerY + hero.bounds.min.y
  engine.render.bounds.max.y = centerY + hero.bounds.min.y + initialEngineBoundsMaxY

  Mouse.setOffset(mouseConstraint.mouse, engine.render.bounds.min);

  // every 1.5 sec
  if (counter >= 60 * 1.5) {
    Body.setVelocity(basketBall, { x: 0, y: 10 });
    Body.setAngle(square, -Math.PI * 0.26);

    // reset counter
    counter = 0;
    scaleFactor = 1;

Events.on(mouseConstraint, 'startdrag', function(event) {

// add all of the bodies to the world
World.add(engine.world, [ball, ballRope, basketBall, bubbleBall, square, ground]);

// run the engine

document.body.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){ 
    speed = 10;
      case 65:
        Body.setVelocity(hero, {x: -speed, y: 0})

      case 68:
        Body.setVelocity(hero, {x: speed, y: 0})

      case 87:
        Body.setVelocity(hero, {x: 0, y: -speed})

1 回答 1


我在 github 的官方存储库中提出了这个问题,@liabru 回答了我:


您可以通过定义粒子对象(位置、速度、寿命等)来构建自己的对象,然后使用引擎更新事件来更新粒子位置,然后将它们渲染到与物理对象相同的画布上。内置的 body 类型可能对此有些可重用(不要将其添加到世界中,而是创建自己的粒子世界)。

于 2016-02-05T12:31:17.493 回答