With Microsoft Graph I would like to create a Group and then after that create a Notebook (onenote) in that group directory.
First I execute a HTTP call to :
POST /groups
with the required access token in the header and JSON object of the Group in the body. (http://graph.microsoft.io/en-us/docs/api-reference/beta/api/group_post_groups). If successful it will return a JSON object with the complete property of the group.
So far there was no problem, I've managed to get the {ID} (in GUID) of the group which will be required to create a notebook. Let's say for this example the {ID} of my Group is 123456789-abcd-4321-bbbb-9876543210aaa
Next for the notebook I execute a HTTP call to :
POST /groups/{ID}/notes/notebooks
And then I got following JSON response :
"error": {
"code": "20160",
"message": "No modern group was found that matches the ID 123456789-abcd-4321-bbbb-9876543210aaa",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "85b85297-ad3b-424d-b18f-2b1da904f5fc",
"date": "2016-01-29T08:19:27"
I've tried so many things to get a workaround for this issue. One time I set a break point between the method to create group and the method to create notebook in my program. I ran my program until the point it has finished creating the group. Then I stop, and try to open notebook tab from Office365 website in the browser and I found this :
In English it means "We are creating your notebook. It may take a few minutes. We will finish this even if you close the browser". I took about 10 seconds before I was redirected to OneNote Online page (the url is my sharepoint tenant name).
After that I continue my program and suddenly it successfully created the notebook.
I need some help here! I need to create the notebook immediately after creating the group without having to open up a browser. I think it has something to do with sharepoint sites creation for the Group.
Any help would be appreciated!