I have the following super-simple graph :
What i am trying to do is:
- Select all questions where there is a property on the question document called firstQuestion with a value of true.
- Select any options that are connected to the question via an outbound edge of type with_options
The following query works, however it feels like there must be a better way to inspect the edge type without using string operations - specifically the concatenation operation i use to recreate the edge _id value by joining it to the key with the edge type i want - is this the best way to inspect the type of edge?
FOR question IN questions
FILTER question.firstQuestion == true
let options =
(FOR v, e IN 1..1 OUTBOUND question._id GRAPH 'mygraph'
FILTER CONCAT('with_options/', e._key) == e._id
RETURN {question: question, options: options}