我知道你很久以前就问过这个,所以我主要是回答未来的搜索。我还没有找到使用 .Net 框架执行此操作的完全托管方式,相信我,我已经搜索过了。我已经尝试了一百万种不同的演员表,子类化,反射,你说的。最终起作用的是 JavaScript。下面是一个采用 InDesign.Document 对象和两个或多个表示 InDesign 项目 ID 的整数的方法。然后它会创建一些 JavaScript 并让 InDesign 执行它。最后,它返回从这些对象创建的 InDesign.Group。
Public Function GroupObjects(ByVal indesignDocument As InDesign.Document, ByVal ParamArray objectIds() As Integer) As InDesign.Group
'Sanity checks
If indesignDocument Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("indesignDocument")
If objectIds Is Nothing OrElse objectIds.Count < 2 Then Throw New ArgumentException("You must pass at least 2 object ids")
'We'll assign a unique label to the group that we create in JavaScript so that we can find it in managed code later
Dim GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
'Create the JavaScript
Dim Buf As New StringBuilder()
Buf.AppendLine("var items = new Array();")
For Each ID In objectIds
Buf.AppendFormat("items.push(app.activeWindow.activePage.pageItems.itemByID({0}));", ID)
Buf.AppendLine("var g = app.activeWindow.activePage.groups.add(items);")
Buf.AppendFormat("g.label='{0}';", GID)
Dim IA = indesignDocument.Parent
IA.DoScript(Buf.ToString(), InDesign.idScriptLanguage.idJavascript)
'Loop through all document groups looking for the object with the label created above
For Each G As InDesign.Group In indesignDocument.Groups
If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(G.Label) AndAlso G.Label = GID Then Return G
Return Nothing
End Function
Dim MyGroup = GroupObjects(myOuterTextFrame, myInnerTextFrame, myContentTextFrame)