Angularjs 2 documentation mentions,

Almost all HTML syntax is valid template syntax. The <script> element is a notable exception; it is forbidden in order to eliminate any possibility of JavaScript injection attacks (in practice it is simply ignored).

So is there any other way of including external javascript files to a Component template? (like a chart plugin, j3d etc.)

My problem in details..

I have some charts inside a angular2 template(say charts.html). These charts are some what interactive.. They show more details when user move the pointer on the charts. (JQuery based) . Since I am injecting charts to index.html dynamically (with angularjs), those charts plugins doesn't recognizing dynamic content. (even some css properties doesn't apply to the classes of the dynamic contents).


1 回答 1


我不清楚你想做什么。您可以使用外部 javascript 文件,只需将它们包含到您的 HTML 页面中即可。然后你可以在你的组件中使用它们。

也就是说,您需要注意它们可能会在 Angular2 的上下文之外执行。我的意思是他们不会考虑变更检测。事实上,Angular2 使用 ZoneJS 来触发变化检测。这里有两个关于这方面的问题:

这是另一个描述如何在 Angular2 中使用 toastr 的问题:Unable to import toastr module with Angular 2

要考虑的另一件事是您的外部库是否支持模块或不能使用 arequireimport.


关于 CSS,组件支持 shadow DOM。这意味着他们的风格是孤立的。所以需要在组件(styles属性)中定义 CSS 样式或者将encapsulation模式改为ViewEncapsulation.None.



于 2016-01-28T12:06:54.497 回答