我正在尝试创建一个简单的包装器,它将调用服务器下载信息并解析发送的二进制数据。对于连接,我使用名为 okhttp 的库,因为 3G 上的连接不是很可靠,所以我决定使用以下函数实现一个非常简单的重试功能**(请注意,此方法将始终从后台线程调用)**
private InputStream callServer() throws ServerException, NoNetworkAvailableException, ConnectionErrorException {
NetworkOperation networkOperation = getNetworkOperation();
InputStream inputStream = null;
//in case of network problems we will retry 3 times separated by 5 seconds before gave up
while (connectionFailedRetryCounter < connectionFailedMaximumAllowedRetries()) {
try {
inputStream = networkOperation.execute();
break;//if this line was reached it means a successfull operation, no need to retry .
} catch (ConnectionErrorException e) {
if (canRetryToConnect()) {
Utils.forceSleepThread(Constants.Communications.ConnectionFailedTrialCounter.SLEEP_BETWEEN_REQUESTS_MILLI);//retry after 5 secs (Thread.sleep)
} else {
throw e;//I give up
return inputStream;
private boolean canRetryToConnect() {
return (connectionFailedRetryCounter < connectionFailedMaximumAllowedRetries()) && !canceled;
这是方法 execute() 的作用
public InputStream execute() throws ConnectionErrorException, NoNetworkAvailableException, ServerException {
if (!Utils.isNetworkAvailable(context)) {
throw new NoNetworkAvailableException();
Response response = doExecute();
if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
throw new ServerException(response.code());
return response.body().byteStream();
private Response doExecute() throws ConnectionErrorException {
Response response;
try {
if (getRequestType() == RequestType.GET) {
response = executeGet();
} else {
response = executePost();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ConnectionErrorException();
return response;