I have some shared server web hosting in the States (I'm from the UK), which allows me to publish PHP and .NET applications. I cannot install my own software onto the remote server, but I'd like to set up a web forwarding proxy for accessing sites that serve different content depending on what country you're from.

My C# and ASP.NET skills are OK, but my PHP is very limited. Are there any solutions that anyone would recommend for this sort of problem? The proxies I've investigated all seem to require installation on the server machine itself, whereas I'm just looking for something that's accessible from a URL.

Obviously, as the requests are coming from the UK, the headers will have to be manipulated by the proxy before forwarding them on. I was going to code my own HTTP handler in C#, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if there's something out there already ;)


2 回答 2



于 2008-12-09T10:27:21.467 回答

虽然很老,但 Org.Mentalis.Proxy 可能是 C# 中示例代理实现的一个很好的起点。你可以在这里找到它:http ://www.mentalis.org/soft/projects/proxy/

于 2008-12-08T19:24:03.287 回答