我在资源中有一个动画光标文件 (*.ani),并希望在我的应用程序中将其显示为光标。如何从资源中加载它?
将 ani 文件作为资源嵌入,并使用 Windows 函数CreateIconFromResource创建它,并在完成后使用 DestroyIcon。
IntPtr hCursor;
hCursor = CreateIconFromResource(resource, (uint)resource.Length, false, 0x00030000);
this.Cursor = new Cursor(hCursor);
this.Cursor = Cursors.Normal;
// 这里的资源修改是:byte[] 变量资源在调用
// 由 Yvan Genesse 修改的类
public class AdvancedCursorsFromEmbededResources
// modified by Yvan Genesse November 29 2010
// C# example tested in MS Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate version
// University Student in E-Business @ Laurentian University
// in your form code
// from file
//this.Cursor = AdvancedCursors.Create(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "flower_anim.ani"));
// from resouces modification here is : byte[] resource in the call
byte[] Embeded_Cursor_Resource = Properties.Resources.flower_anim; // the animate cursor desired
this.Cursor = AdvancedCursorsFromEmbededResources.Create(Embeded_Cursor_Resource);
// or this way also works
this.Cursor = AdvancedCursorsFromEmbededResources.Create(Properties.Resources.flower_anim);
catch (Exception err)
static extern IntPtr CreateIconFromResource(byte[] presbits, uint dwResSize, bool fIcon, uint dwVer);
// modification here is : byte[] resource in the call
public static Cursor Create( byte[] resource)
IntPtr myNew_Animated_hCursor;
//byte[] resource = Properties.Resources.flower_anim;
myNew_Animated_hCursor = CreateIconFromResource(resource, (uint)resource.Length, false, 0x00030000);
if (!IntPtr.Zero.Equals(hCursor))
// all is good
return new Cursor(myNew_Animated_hCursor);
{ // resource wrong type or memory error occurred
// normally this resource exists since you had to put Properties.Resources. and a resource would appear and you selected it
// the animate cursor desired is the error generator since this call is not required for simple cursors
throw new ApplicationException("Could not create cursor from Embedded resource ");