我有一个协议,它需要一个长达 32 位的长度字段,并且必须在运行时生成它来描述给定数据包中有多少字节。
下面的代码有点难看,但我想知道是否可以将其重构为更高效或更易于理解。问题是代码只会生成足够的字节来描述数据包的长度,所以小于 255 字节 = 1 字节长度,小于 65535 = 2 字节长度等等......
extern char byte_stream[];
int bytes = offset_in_packet;
int n = length_of_packet;
/* Under 4 billion, so this can be represented in 32 bits. */
int t;
/* 32-bit number used for temporary storage. */
/* These are the bytes we will break up n into. */
unsigned char first, second, third, fourth;
t = n & 0xFF000000;
/* We have used AND to "mask out" the first byte of the number. */
/* The only bits which can be on in t are the first 8 bits. */
first = t >> 24;
if (t) {
printf("byte 1: 0x%02x\n",first );
byte_stream[bytes] = first; bytes++;
write_zeros = 1;
/* Now we shift t so that it is between 0 and 255. This is the first, highest byte of n. */
t = n & 0x00FF0000;
second = t >> 16;
if (t || write_zeros) {
printf("byte 2: 0x%02x\n", second );
byte_stream[bytes] = second; bytes++;
write_zeros = 1;
t = n & 0x0000FF00;
third = t >> 8;
if ( t || write_zeros) {
printf("byte 3: 0x%02x\n", third );
byte_stream[bytes] = third; bytes++;
write_zeros = 1;
t = n & 0x000000FF;
fourth = t;
if (t || write_zeros) {
printf("byte 4: 0x%02x\n", fourth);
byte_stream[bytes] = fourth; bytes++;