我需要从每个标签中删除“tei:”。我的原始 xml 如下所示:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="jerome-html-proof.xsl"?>
<title>Chronicles (Latin working edition, based on Helm)</title>
<p>PD online text from http://www.tertullian.org/fathers/index.htm#jeromechronicle, entitled
"Jerome, Chronicle (2005)" and based on pages of Helm's edition indicated in milestone
elements. </p>
<p>Source page includes note, "This text was transcribed by JMB. All material on this page
is in the public domain - copy freely." </p>
type="prefatory"> </div>
<row role="header">
<cell ana="abraham"/>
<cell ana="assyrians">Regnum Assyriorum</cell>
<cell ana="sacred-history"/>
<cell ana="hebrews"> Hebraeorum gentis exordium</cell>
<cell ana="sicyonians"> Regnum Sicyoniorum</cell>
<cell ana="gentile-history"/>
<cell ana="egyptians"> Regnum Aegyptiorum</cell>
<cell ana="adbc"> BC</cell>
<row role="regnal">
<cell>Sicyoniorum III, TELCHIN, annis XX.</cell>
<tei:row role="header">...........
import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder
import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
def TEI = new XmlSlurper().parse(new File('file.xml'))
def jeromeRow = new File("file-row.xml")
def x = 0
for (row in TEI.text.body.div.table.row) {
if (row.@role != 'regnal' && row.@role != 'header'){
x = x + 1
row.@n = 'r' + x
def outputBuilder = new StreamingMarkupBuilder()
String result = outputBuilder.bind{ mkp.yield TEI }
jeromeRow << XmlUtil.serialize(result)
如何防止我的脚本对我的 xml 文件进行这种不需要的更改。