我正在寻找类似于 组织 GUI 代码的东西,但适用于 Python 和 PyQt4。特别是,我正在查看有关如何处理和存储配置数据、一般状态等的提示和示例。

编辑:我在以下位置找到了一些关于旧版本的提示:http: //www.commandprompt.com/community/pyqt/


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  - src/
     - my_project/
        - model/
           - preference.py # Interact with config params
           - api.py # Interact with our REST api

        - controller/
           - startup.py # Initialization code
           - login.py # Login a user

        - view/
           - main_window.py # Application container
           - login_widget.py # Login form

        - main.py # Application entry point.

  - tests/
      - my_project_tests/
          - model/ 
          - view/
          - controller/

  - resources/
      - ui/ # The files match basically one to one with the modules in the view directory.
        - main_window.ui
        - login_widget.ui
      - images/
        - logo.png

  - setup.py # Script to build the application (calling into the build_py2exe, etc. files below)
  - build_py2exe.py # Build the py2exe exe 
  - build_py2app.py # Build the py2app app
  - build_win_installer.iss # Package up the py2exe into an installer (Using inno setup).
  - build_dmg.py #Package up the py2app into a DMG

  - runtests.py # Run the tests
于 2010-08-16T17:56:01.847 回答