目标是登录到使用 OAuth2 的网站。但是,我需要运行的部分没有与之关联的 API。所以我需要登录,只需使用用户名和密码,然后导航到有问题的页面并进行屏幕抓取以获取我的数据。
import sys
import requests
import oauth2 as oauth
r = requests.get(logon_url)
consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=user, secret=password)
client = oauth.Client(consumer)
resp, content = client.request(r.url, "GET")
token_url = resp['content-location']
# At this point i'm lost i'm just guessing on the rest
# the next doesn't give an error but i'm sure it's wrong
resp2, content2 = client.request(token_url, 'GET')
# save the cookie, i do have a cookie but not sure what i have
auth_token = resp['set-cookie']