我需要使用 C# 将 PDF 文件转换为 PostScript。是否可以不使用第三方 DLL?或者是否有相同的开源项目?
3 回答
The "cheapest" way to do this (I will not give my definition of 'cheap' in this context, though) would be to call one of the commandline utilities out there which can convert PDF to PostScript:
(*nix): Ghostscript, multiplatform, GPL v3 license,...pdftops.exe
(*nix): part of XPDF by Foolabs, multiplatform, GPL v2 license,...pdftops
(*nix), from the "poppler" fork of XPDF (in theory a Windows version should be easy to compile, but there are no obvious places on the 'net to grab ready-made ones from)
Here are example commandlines, first for Ghostscript, assuming Windows (quotes for cases where names have spaces):
"c:/path/to/gswin32c.exe" ^
-sDEVICE=ps2write ^
-o "c:/path/to/OUTPUT.pdf" ^
and second for XPDF/pdftops (skipping paths, assuming files are in current directory):
pdftops.exe ^
-level3 ^
INPUT.pdf ^
您应该重新考虑您的要求:解释 PDF 是一项艰巨的工作,除非 PDF 以非常特定的形式出现。
您可以通过 PostScript 打印机驱动程序将 PDF 转换为 postscript,然后捕获输出,但这需要您能够打印 PDF 文档。您需要 PDF 呈现组件或 PDF 阅读器应用程序来执行此操作。
如果您需要开源工具,请查看 ghostscript。大多数“免费”PDF 转换器都使用它。