我已经在已经安装并运行了 zookeeper 的系统上安装了 prediction.io 堆栈的快速启动版本。当我运行pio-start-all
Could not start ZK at requested port of 2181. ZK was started at port: -1. Aborting as clients (e.g. shell) will not be able to find this ZK quorum.
Waiting 10 seconds for HBase to fully initialize...
运行pio status
确认 hbase 没有运行。
我尝试根据常见问题解答启动 hbase,但得到相同的错误。
在启动 hbase 时,我在 pio-env.sh 中看不到任何禁用启动 zookeeper 的内容。有没有办法在不启动zookeeper的情况下初始化hbase?