我有一个 js 承诺模式,我想为几个关键字识别


var deferred = Q.defer();


return deferred.promise;


例 1

function writeError(errMessage) {
    var deferred = Q.defer();
    fs.writeFile("errors.log", errMessage, function (err) {
        if (err) {
        } else {
    return deferred.promise;



var d = Q.defer(); /* 或 $q.defer */


return d.promise;

完成示例 2

function getStuffDone(param) {           
    var d = Q.defer(); /* or $q.defer */ 

    Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        // or = new $.Deferred() etc.        
        .then(function(val) { /* or .done */ 
        }).catch(function(err) { /* .fail */ 
        return d.promise; /* or promise() */ 



childProcess 有一些更复杂的模式,但现在还可以:)


2 回答 2


下面的正则表达式可能看起来有点吓人,但它是从简单的概念构建的,并且比你提到的允许更多的余地 - 例如额外的空格、不同的变量名、省略var等。似乎对这两个例子都有效 - 请看看它是否符合您的需求。




于 2016-02-16T20:34:03.880 回答

更新:我对代码进行了一次更正,即更改set[2]set[set.length - 1]适应任何大小的查询集。然后,我将完全相同的算法应用于您的两个示例。

我提供的解决方案遵循一些我认为对于您提出的搜索类型是合理的规则。假设您正在寻找四行 ABCD(不区分大小写,因此它会找到 ABCD 或 abcd 或 aBcD):

  • 可以在单个文件中找到多个匹配集,即它将在 ABCDabcd 中找到两个匹配集。
  • 正则表达式用于单独的行,这意味着可以包含变化。(这只是一个结果,如果您在代码中匹配行的末尾有注释,这并不重要。)
  • 所寻找的模式必须始终位于不同的行上,例如 A 和 B 不能位于同一行上。
  • 匹配的集合必须是完整的,例如它不会找到 ABC 或 ABD。
  • 匹配的集合必须是不间断的,即它不会在 ABCaD 中找到任何东西。(重要的是,这也意味着它不会在重叠集合中找到任何东西,例如 ABCaDbcd。你可能会说这太局限了。但是,在这个例子中,应该找到 ABCD 还是 abcd?答案是任意的,并且是任意的很难编码。此外,根据您展示的示例,通常不会预期这种重叠,因此这种边缘情况似乎不太可能,因此这种限制是合理的。)
  • 匹配的集合必须是内部不重复的,例如它不会找到 ABbCD。但是,使用 AaBCD,它找到一个集合,即它会找到 aBCD。
  • 允许嵌入集合,但只能找到内部集合,例如使用 ABabcdCD,只能找到 abcd。


var queryRegexStrs = [
  "I( really)? (like|adore) strawberry",
  "I( really)? (like|adore) chocolate",
  "I( really)? (like|adore) vanilla"

var codeStr =
  "....\n" +
  "Most people would say 'I like vanilla'\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "Amir's taste profile:\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "I like strawberry\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "I told Billy that I really adore chocolate a lot\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "I like vanilla most of the time\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "Let me emphasize that I like strawberry\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "Juanita's taste profile:\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "I really adore strawberry\n" +
  "I like vanilla\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "Rachel's taste profile:\n" +
  "I adore strawberry\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "Sometimes I like chocolate, I guess\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "I adore vanilla\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +
  "....\n" +

// allow for different types of end-of-line characters or character sequences
var endOfLineStr = "\n";

var matchSets = search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr);

function search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr) {

  // break the large code string into an array of line strings
  var codeLines = codeStr.split(endOfLineStr);

  // remember the number of lines being sought
  var numQueryLines = queryRegexStrs.length;

  // convert the input regex strings into actual regex's in a parallel array
  var queryRegexs = queryRegexStrs.map(function(queryRegexStr) {
    return new RegExp(queryRegexStr);

  // search the array for each query line
  //   to find complete, uninterrupted, non-repeating sets of matches

  // make an array to hold potentially multiple match sets from the same file
  var matchSets = [];

  // prepare to try finding the next match set
  var currMatchSet;

  // keep track of which query line number is currently being sought
  var idxOfCurrQuery = 0;

  // whenever looking for a match set is (re-)initialized,
  //   start looking again for the first query,
  //   and forget any previous individual query matches that have been found
  var resetCurrQuery = function() {
    idxOfCurrQuery = 0;
    currMatchSet = [];

  // check each line of code...
  codeLines.forEach(function(codeLine, codeLineNum, codeLines) {

    // ...against each query line
    queryRegexs.forEach(function(regex, regexNum, regexs) {

      // check if this line of code is a match with this query line
      var matchFound = regex.test(codeLine);

      // if so, remember which query line it matched
      if (matchFound) {

        // if this code line matches the first query line,
        //   then reset the current query and continue
        if (regexNum === 0) {

        // if this most recent individual match is the one expected next, proceed
        if (regexNum === idxOfCurrQuery) {

          // temporarily remember the line number of this most recent individual match

          // prepare to find the next query in the sequence
          idxOfCurrQuery += 1;

          // if a whole query set has just been found, then permanently remember
          //   the corresponding code line numbers, and reset the search
          if (idxOfCurrQuery === numQueryLines) {

          // if this most recent match is NOT the one expected next in the sequence,
          //   then start over in terms of starting to look again for the first query
        } else {

  return matchSets;


// report the results
document.write("<b>The code lines being sought:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(queryRegexStrs, null, 2) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>The code being searched:</b>");
  "<pre><ol start='0'><li>" +
  codeStr.replace(new RegExp("\n", "g"), "</li><li>") +
document.write("<b>The code line numbers of query 'hits', grouped by query set:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(matchSets) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>One possible formatted output:</b>");

var str = "<p>(Note that line numbers are 0-based...easily changed to 1-based if desired)</p>";
str += "<pre>";
matchSets.forEach(function(set, setNum, arr) {
  str += "Matching code block #" + (setNum + 1) + ": lines " + set[0] + "-" + set[set.length - 1] + "<br />";
str += "</pre>";

这是完全相同的算法,仅使用原始示例 1 和 2。请注意几件事。首先,任何需要在正则表达式字符串中转义的东西实际上都需要双重转义,例如,为了找到一个文字左括号,您需要包括“\\(”而不仅仅是“\(”。此外,正则表达式可能看起来有点复杂。我对此有两点评论。首先:很多只是找到文字句点和括号。但是,第二,也是重要的:使用复杂正则表达式的能力是力量的一部分(阅读“灵活性”)这整个方法。例如,您提供的示例需要一些替换,例如,“a|b”表示“查找 a OR b”。

var queryRegexStrs = [
  "var deferred = Q\\.defer\\(\\);",
  "return deferred\\.promise;"

var codeStr =
  'function writeError(errMessage) {'                           + "\n" +
  '    var deferred = Q.defer();'                               + "\n" +
  '    fs.writeFile("errors.log", errMessage, function (err) {' + "\n" +
  '        if (err) {'                                          + "\n" +
  '            deferred.reject(err);'                           + "\n" +
  '        } else {'                                            + "\n" +
  '            deferred.resolve();'                             + "\n" +
  '        }'                                                   + "\n" +
  '    });'                                                     + "\n" +
  '    return deferred.promise;'                                + "\n" +
  '}'                                                           + "\n" +

// allow for different types of end-of-line characters or character sequences
var endOfLineStr = "\n";

var matchSets = search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr);

function search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr) {

  // break the large code string into an array of line strings
  var codeLines = codeStr.split(endOfLineStr);

  // remember the number of lines being sought
  var numQueryLines = queryRegexStrs.length;

  // convert the input regex strings into actual regex's in a parallel array
  var queryRegexs = queryRegexStrs.map(function(queryRegexStr) {
    return new RegExp(queryRegexStr);

  // search the array for each query line
  //   to find complete, uninterrupted, non-repeating sets of matches

  // make an array to hold potentially multiple match sets from the same file
  var matchSets = [];

  // prepare to try finding the next match set
  var currMatchSet;

  // keep track of which query line number is currently being sought
  var idxOfCurrQuery = 0;

  // whenever looking for a match set is (re-)initialized,
  //   start looking again for the first query,
  //   and forget any previous individual query matches that have been found
  var resetCurrQuery = function() {
    idxOfCurrQuery = 0;
    currMatchSet = [];

  // check each line of code...
  codeLines.forEach(function(codeLine, codeLineNum, codeLines) {

    // ...against each query line
    queryRegexs.forEach(function(regex, regexNum, regexs) {

      // check if this line of code is a match with this query line
      var matchFound = regex.test(codeLine);

      // if so, remember which query line it matched
      if (matchFound) {

        // if this code line matches the first query line,
        //   then reset the current query and continue
        if (regexNum === 0) {

        // if this most recent individual match is the one expected next, proceed
        if (regexNum === idxOfCurrQuery) {

          // temporarily remember the line number of this most recent individual match

          // prepare to find the next query in the sequence
          idxOfCurrQuery += 1;

          // if a whole query set has just been found, then permanently remember
          //   the corresponding code line numbers, and reset the search
          if (idxOfCurrQuery === numQueryLines) {

          // if this most recent match is NOT the one expected next in the sequence,
          //   then start over in terms of starting to look again for the first query
        } else {

  return matchSets;


// report the results
document.write("<b>The code lines being sought:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(queryRegexStrs, null, 2) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>The code being searched:</b>");
  "<pre><ol start='0'><li>" +
  codeStr.replace(new RegExp("\n", "g"), "</li><li>") +
document.write("<b>The code line numbers of query 'hits', grouped by query set:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(matchSets) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>One possible formatted output:</b>");

var str = "<p>(Note that line numbers are 0-based...easily changed to 1-based if desired)</p>";
str += "<pre>";
matchSets.forEach(function(set, setNum, arr) {
  str += "Matching code block #" + (setNum + 1) + ": lines " + set[0] + "-" + set[set.length - 1] + "<br />";
str += "</pre>";

这是完全相同的算法,仅使用您的原始示例 2:

var queryRegexStrs = [
  "var d = (Q\\.defer\\(\\)|\\$q\\.defer);",
  "return d\\.promise(\\(\\))?;"

var codeStr =
  "...."                                         + "\n" +
  "...."                                         + "\n" +
  "...."                                         + "\n" +
  "function getStuffDone(param) {"               + "\n" +
  "    var d = Q.defer();"                       + "\n" +
  ""                                             + "\n" +
  "    Promise(function(resolve, reject) {"      + "\n" +
  "        // or = new $.Deferred() etc."        + "\n" +
  "        myPromiseFn(param+1)"                 + "\n" +
  "        .then(function(val) { /* or .done */" + "\n" +
  "            d.resolve(val);"                  + "\n" +
  "        }).catch(function(err) { /* .fail */" + "\n" +
  "            d.reject(err);"                   + "\n" +
  "        });"                                  + "\n" +
  "        return d.promise;"                    + "\n" +
  ""                                             + "\n" +
  "}"                                            + "\n" +
  "...."                                         + "\n" +
  "...."                                         + "\n" +
  "...."                                         + "\n" +
  "function getStuffDone(param) {"               + "\n" +
  "    var d = $q.defer;"                        + "\n" +
  ""                                             + "\n" +
  "    Promise(function(resolve, reject) {"      + "\n" +
  "        // or = new $.Deferred() etc."        + "\n" +
  "        myPromiseFn(param+1)"                 + "\n" +
  "        .then(function(val) { /* or .done */" + "\n" +
  "            d.resolve(val);"                  + "\n" +
  "        }).catch(function(err) { /* .fail */" + "\n" +
  "            d.reject(err);"                   + "\n" +
  "        });"                                  + "\n" +
  "        return d.promise();"                  + "\n" +
  ""                                             + "\n" +
  "}"                                            + "\n" +
  "...."                                         + "\n" +
  "...."                                         + "\n" +
  "...."                                         + "\n" +

// allow for different types of end-of-line characters or character sequences
var endOfLineStr = "\n";

var matchSets = search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr);

function search(queryRegexStrs, codeStr, endOfLineStr) {

  // break the large code string into an array of line strings
  var codeLines = codeStr.split(endOfLineStr);

  // remember the number of lines being sought
  var numQueryLines = queryRegexStrs.length;

  // convert the input regex strings into actual regex's in a parallel array
  var queryRegexs = queryRegexStrs.map(function(queryRegexStr) {
    return new RegExp(queryRegexStr);

  // search the array for each query line
  //   to find complete, uninterrupted, non-repeating sets of matches

  // make an array to hold potentially multiple match sets from the same file
  var matchSets = [];

  // prepare to try finding the next match set
  var currMatchSet;

  // keep track of which query line number is currently being sought
  var idxOfCurrQuery = 0;

  // whenever looking for a match set is (re-)initialized,
  //   start looking again for the first query,
  //   and forget any previous individual query matches that have been found
  var resetCurrQuery = function() {
    idxOfCurrQuery = 0;
    currMatchSet = [];

  // check each line of code...
  codeLines.forEach(function(codeLine, codeLineNum, codeLines) {

    // ...against each query line
    queryRegexs.forEach(function(regex, regexNum, regexs) {

      // check if this line of code is a match with this query line
      var matchFound = regex.test(codeLine);

      // if so, remember which query line it matched
      if (matchFound) {

        // if this code line matches the first query line,
        //   then reset the current query and continue
        if (regexNum === 0) {

        // if this most recent individual match is the one expected next, proceed
        if (regexNum === idxOfCurrQuery) {

          // temporarily remember the line number of this most recent individual match

          // prepare to find the next query in the sequence
          idxOfCurrQuery += 1;

          // if a whole query set has just been found, then permanently remember
          //   the corresponding code line numbers, and reset the search
          if (idxOfCurrQuery === numQueryLines) {

          // if this most recent match is NOT the one expected next in the sequence,
          //   then start over in terms of starting to look again for the first query
        } else {

  return matchSets;


// report the results
document.write("<b>The code lines being sought:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(queryRegexStrs, null, 2) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>The code being searched:</b>");
  "<pre><ol start='0'><li>" +
  codeStr.replace(new RegExp("\n", "g"), "</li><li>") +
document.write("<b>The code line numbers of query 'hits', grouped by query set:</b>");
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(matchSets) + "</pre>");
document.write("<b>One possible formatted output:</b>");

var str = "<p>(Note that line numbers are 0-based...easily changed to 1-based if desired)</p>";
str += "<pre>";
matchSets.forEach(function(set, setNum, arr) {
  str += "Matching code block #" + (setNum + 1) + ": lines " + set[0] + "-" + set[set.length - 1] + "<br />";
str += "</pre>";

于 2016-02-17T15:28:33.613 回答