Twilio.Device.setup(token, { debug : true});
Twilio.Device.ready(function (device) {
console.log("Client '' is ready");
//! Ready
Twilio.Device.error(function (error) {
console.log("Error: " + error.message);
Twilio.Device.connect(function (conn) {
console.log("Successfully established call");
Twilio.Device.disconnect(function (conn) {
console.log("From:" + conn.parameters.From);
console.log("To:" + conn.parameters.To);
console.log("Call ended");
Twilio.Device.incoming(function (conn) {
console.log("Incoming connection from " + conn.parameters.From);
// accept the incoming connection and start two-way audio
function call(id) {
console.log('calling started! to ' + id);
callto = id;
params = {"client": id};
[Device] Setting up PStream
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[WSTransport] Opening socket
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[WSTransport] attempting to connect
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Device] Registering to eventStream with url: wss://matrix.twilio.com/2012-02-09/?AccessToken=eyJ&feature=publishPresence
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Matrix] Attempting to connect to wss://matrix.twilio.com/2012-02-09/?AccessToken=eyJ&feature=publishPresence...
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[WSTransport] Socket opened
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[PStream] Setting token and publishing listen
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Matrix] Socket opened... sending ready signal
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Device] Stream is ready
twilio.min.js (line 58)
Client '' is ready
test (line 3718)
calling to user 12232343
test (line 3749)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] signalingState is "have-local-offer"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] signalingState is "stable"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
Successfully established call
test (line 3728)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] iceConnectionState is "checking"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] iceConnectionState is "connected"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Connection] Received HANGUP from gateway
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Connection] Disconnecting...
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] iceConnectionState is "closed"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] signalingState is "closed"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
test (line 3733)
test (line 3734)
Call ended
test (line 3735)
calling started! to 12122323
test (line 3749)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] signalingState is "have-local-offer"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] signalingState is "stable"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
Successfully established call
test (line 3728)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] iceConnectionState is "checking"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] iceConnectionState is "connected"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Connection] Received HANGUP from gateway
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Connection] Disconnecting...
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] iceConnectionState is "closed"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
[Twilio.PeerConnection] signalingState is "closed"
twilio.min.js (line 58)
test (line 3733)
test (line 3734)
Call ended
The value "0.6;" for key "initial-scale" was truncated to its numeric prefix.
test:5 The value "0.5;" for key "minimum-scale" was truncated to its numeric prefix.
test:5 The key "maximum-scale:0.7;" is not recognized and ignored.
test:5 Error parsing a meta element's content: ';' is not a valid key-value pair separator. Please use ',' instead.
test:1845 Client '' is ready
firebase.js:36 FIREBASE WARNING: