# Keyspace Name
keyspace: demo1
# The CQL for creating a keyspace (optional if it already exists)
keyspace_definition: |
# Table name
table: sample_test
# The CQL for creating a table you wish to stress (optional if it already exists)
table_definition: |
CREATE TABLE sample_test (
key1 blob PRIMARY KEY,
value1 blob
### Column Distribution Specifications ###
- name: hash
size: fixed(96) #domain names are relatively short
- name: body
size: gaussian(100..300) #the body of the blog post can be long
population: uniform(1..10M) #10M possible domains to pick from
现在如何在同一个键空间中定义另一个表?所有示例都只讨论定义一个表。我还尝试像上面一样定义另一个表定义及其列规范,但随后出现以下错误“com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: Batch too large”